Chapter 2

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"You don't seem happy to see me." Harry said as we walked to his car.

"I'm surprised you even came."

"I wouldn't miss your big day, babe."

"Well why haven't you answered my calls, Harry!" I hit his chest.

"I wanted to surprise you, and like you said...I did."

"I was sad, stressing, and needed you. You ignored me. If you do that to me on tour, I'll leave quicker than you can finish the word 'sorry'."

"I understand...I'm sorry."


"Yeah, mom....No we just got onto the plane. Yeah. Ok I have to go. It's almost time for lift off....Bye. Love you too, bye." I hung up the phone and buckled up.

"Your mum still worried?" Harry asked.

"She's always worried."

"And how about you?" I looked at him, not really understanding the question. "Are you worried?"

"About what, Harry?"

"I don't know...anything? The fans, the bus rides, the tour life...this plane ride?"

"Nope. I'm all good. I love road trips, I've been on an airplane, and I can handle the fans. I mean, I was one of them remember? I think I can handle my own people."

"We'll see about that, babe."

The plane began to shift as it took off. "Wanna play a game or something?" Harry asked.

"Actually, I was gonna go to sleep..." I looked at him expecting disappointment, but I was wrong. He raised his hand and called over the stewardess.

"Miss, can I bother you for a blanket?" He asked.

"No bother at all." She said and went to get a blanket.

"What? No pillow?" I asked jokingly.

"That's what I'm for, babe." I laughed as he lifted the arm rest that separated us, making it easier for me to cuddle up to him. "Thank you." He said as the stewardess handed him a blanket, and then he covered the both of us with it.

I couldn't help but look at him while he tried to sleep. The way his lashes met his cheeks, how just one curl fell onto his forehead, the way his erratic breathing escaped his nose, how his lips curled into a smirk.

"Stop that."

"Stop what?" I asked.

"Stop watching me, you creep." He said smiling, his eyes still closed.

"I just can't help it. You're so beautiful."

"Oh, shutup."


"Go to sleep. You're delirious."

"I can't sleep with such a beautiful being next to me." That one got him to laugh.

"I'll help." He said and began to hum. Even his humming was beautiful. How was I so lucky?


"Harry, it's your turn for hair. Don't wanna keep Lou waiting." Niall said as he opened the door to the dressing room.

"I'll be there in a moment." Harry replied. "So, you gonna sit in the crowd?"

"Of course. Why would I wanna watch a concert from behind a curtain, Harry?"

"Because then you could kiss me between changes."

"Harry!" I hit him playfully.

"I'm kidding! Honestly, babe. Take a joke."

"Oh, whatever!"

"So you'll be front row?"

"Yes, sir."

"I'll see you then, gorgeous." He said with a wink and walked off to get his hair done.


"This seat taken?"

"Of course n-OH. MY. GOD."

"I'll take it you know me?" I laughed as the girl continued to freak out.

"Know you?! I know everything about you! I love you so much. Are you sitting here the whole concert? Can I take a picture of you? With you? Can I vine you? Does this mean Harry's focus will be over here the whole time? Oh my poor shipper heart."

"Ok, ok. Calm down, babe. What's your name?"


"That's so pretty!

"Thanks. But my friends call me Evie. Just for short."

"Evie. I like it..I'll call you that if you don't mind." I smiled.

"Omg I'd love that!"

"Wanna take a picture?" I asked the over-eager fan.


I pulled out my phone to take a picture with her and every other fan that could fit in the background. "Alright. I need everyone's instagrams. One at a time!" Just as I finished posting the picture, the lights went out, and the show began.

After the first couple songs, the boys began to talk to the crowd.

"How's everyone doing tonight?!" Harry shouted. "I'm sorry...I said: how are ya?!" The stadium was filled with ear-shattering screams. "That's more like it! I can't believe we're even here. Our last show at the O2 before we head around the world. You've all been so wonderful. Especially the ones who've come to more than one show this week. That's crazy. You're unbelievable." I swear he could talk forever. "I'd especially like to thank one special person in the crowd. She's always there for me...whether I need her or not." That one made them laugh.

"Good one." I scoffed.

"Anyways, you know who you are, and I love you. This next song is for you, baby." Evie squealed and squeezed me out of excitement with the beginning of the next song. "So, nobody's heard this yet, but I wrote it with my good friend Sam. It's quite personal, but I'm ready to put it out there and share it with all of you." He said taking a seat at the piano.

"It's so beautiful..." Evie said as if she had read my mind. The whole stadium was silent as they listened to every word, really soaking it in. His voice was breathtaking.

"NO!!!" I heard a girl scream from behind me, and suddenly I was overcome with pain in my neck as my head was jerked back by someone pulling my hair.

"Don't touch her!" I heard Evie yell, accompanied with many other girls trying to help.

I threw my fists back hoping to hit my attacker, only getting one good shot to her chin. The one shot distracted her long enough for me to flip around and continue my defense. I pounded fist after fist to her face.

I was so into the fight, that I hadn't realized Harry's song was over. I wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for his panicked yell into the microphone. "Stop! Security! Somebody stop her!"

All eyes and a spotlight were on us as security tried to unravel all of the girls. It took 2 security guards just to get me out of the crowd, and 4 more to stop my protectors from going as far as I did.

"What is wrong with you!" Harry said running backstage.

"Harry! Get back out there and finish the show!"

"No! Not until you tell me what-oh god. Jenna, you're bleeding!"

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