Chapter 4

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I come out of my bathroom , while towel drying my hair . I climb into bed , and pull the sheets over my head . I can't fall asleep . I cant focus . Her face keeps running through my mind . Her expression .

I can't lose her , and I'm not going to just going to give her away to some Foster Home in California .

I throw my covers off and get out of bed . My feet silently hit the floor as I walk downstairs . As I reach for the doorknob that leads out back , I feel a rush of shivers go through my body . I open the door and a burst of freezing cold air storms through my house . I step outside into the cold night and head towards the forest .


After walking a ways away from the forest , I reach it .

The maze me and my papa had built out of hedges .

It's beautiful even in the dark . I lean up against the entrance . Vines growing up and down the hedges , making it look mysterious .

I hear a faint rustle of leaves .

I look behind me , and I see a shadow darting to another location behind the trees .

It's eyes are set on me .

 I turn back around .

You're just dreaming , nothing is behind you . I tell myself .

I go through the entrance .

When , I reach the first corner of the maze I look out of the corner of my eye just too make sure I wasn't going insane .

Well .. I must be going insane , because there it is again .

As soon as I'm around the corner , I pick up my pace into a sprint .

My feet hit the bricks with silence . I can see the center .

The white gazebo , with vines crawling along the white beams , black roses in bloom , and a black grand piano , dead in the center . Breath taking .


I sit down at the piano , no longer worried about my surroundings .

My fingers fall into place .

I always dabbled in the Musical Arts , well I've always had a passion for music and healing and saving others . ( It's kinda  why I'm a Doctor )

I was sitting at the piano scribbling away at my notebook , and I felt a hand on my shoulder . I looked up .

" Hey papa . " I greeted

" Laura , you have a real talent . In the end , its always better to follow what you love . You can play anything within the range of a piano through symphonic and string instruments . You are truly my child . No doubt in my mind about it . I'm extremely proud of you . " He said out of the blue .

I come out of my flashback when I feel a gush of wind burst next to me , woah .

I see the outline of a young child , a boy . He seems to be dancing in front of me , appearing and disappearing from my view . Playing tricks with my eyes .

Okay , I'm going insane . I bet its from lack of sleep .

I stand up and head towards the entrance / exit of the gazebo .

But , I abruptly get stopped in my tracks as if something is holding me back from going home .

" Seems to me like your going somewhere . " the boy says .

" Yes , no mean to be rude . But uh , I'm quite tired . So if you'll just excuse m- " He cuts me off .

" No need to be in a rush , its just the glamour wearing off . It has that effect on people . "

" Huh ? Glamour ? " I question , sounding a bit confused .

" Oh dear , I believe I've spilled the beans . " he mumbles under his breath .

He has a thick English accent .

He pops into view .

He's leaning against one of the beams .

Shaggy black hair , crystal blue eyes with a scar crossing his right eye , comes eye to eye with me , and pointy ears .

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