Ninja Way

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"Jun!! Get up your lazy ass!!" Mom screamed, slamming the door after her beautiful morning wake up. I groaned.

"Must..get..up...bed so..comfy." I moaned, snuggling closer into the warm sheets.

"You better get your ass up otherwise I wont make you breakfest!!!" She yelled from below. A grumble came from my stomach. Immediately, I threw my covers off and raced downstairs nearly tripping on a broken step.

"Im up! Im up!!" I yelled quickly as I burst into our small kitchen. Mom glared at my entrance.

"No good morning to your hard working mother?! You wouldnt be getting warm meals everyday if it wasnt for me!!" She yelled. I sighed.

"Like selling fruit is hardwork.." I muttered.

"What did you say?!" She shrieked at me.

"Nothing my beautiful mother!! Thank you for making me warm meals, Im truly grateful!!!" I said quickly before she'd hit me with her wooden spoon like yesterday. She smirked.

"Damn straight. Now sit down!"

She handed me some leftover grilled fish from yesterday, and a small portion of rice. Its not much, but living in a poor family it was understandable. I savored it, knowing this would be the only hot meal today. I could tell, mom used up all the gas to warm it up for me.

"Ma, are the twins still on their mission?" I asked quietly, finishing up my food. She sighed.

"Yeah. They wont get back till late tonight." She muttered, washing the dishes.

"You think they're gonna bring back alot of money?" I asked, handing her my chipped bowl.

"They better, I didnt raise those useless dumbasses for nothing!!!" She growled. I sweatdropped. Geez mom calm down.

"Now go! Get dressed and start working!!!" I sighed. Always the same. I trudged back upstairs and got dressed in my simple shorts and black T-shirt. I ran my fingers through my short black hair quickly, to smooth my bed head. After making my bed with my patched up blanket and half stuffed futon, I hurried downstairs. Mom stood at the door, a small bag in her hand. Moms a short bulky woman, with a scowl always on her worn face. Even though she always cussed and yelled at us, she meant well. In a violent way.

"The goal for today is 2000 yen!" She grinned. I sweatdropped. Geez mom, you really work me hard!!

"Mmk Ill try, see ya Ma!" I said, running down the stairs out of our apartment. We live in Kirigakure, the Hidden Village of the Mist. Our village is surrounded by a mist, making my job much easier. Im a pickpocket. But I do occasionally help my mom with her stand.

"2000 yen.." I muttered softly, looking at the villagers for a easy job. I mostly go after foreigners, and rich villagers. Its not fair to pickpocket the poor. It wasnt until I spotted a rich looking foreigner lady that I smirked. Easy meat. I started to sprint, winding through villagers until I got close to the lady. I bumped into her, slipping my slender fingers into her silk kimono. I grabbed what felt like a silk purse, and quickly slipped it into my pocket.

"Oh my god, Im so sorry! I didnt watch where I was going!" I faked surprise as I helped her up. She sneered at me.

"You better be you little brat!" She scowled, giving me a dirty glare.

Yeah, I really dont regret pickpocketing you now. I quickly ran away, turning into an alley. The purse felt heavy, making me pretty satisfied.

The rest of the day was uneventful, no rich people were around and I couldnt bring myself to mug the poor. I slowly made my way home, listening to the villagers gossip as I munched on an apple.

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