First Challenge

34 4 1

"Jun get your ass up todays the day!!" Mom yelled from downstairs. Flopping out of my bed, I stumbled down the stairs, making sure I remembered the broken step. When I came into the kitchen, Rinzo and Kinzou were already at the table in their casual clothes sipping on coffee. Mom was in the kitchen, bustling around to make breakfest. I took a seat across my brothers who both smiled that uncanny identical smile in greeting.

"Morning Jun!" They simultaneously greeted. I yawned and waved at them.

"Morning Rinzo, Kinzou." I mumbled tiredly.

"I dont get a fucking good morning?!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. I winced.

"Good morning my beautiful, hardworking, respected mother!!" I said quickly.

"Damn straight Im hardworking!!" She muttered as she set breakfest on the table for all of us. Rinzo and Kinzou got grilled fish, rice and miso soup. While I got steamed vegetables with rice, grilled fish, and some fruit on the side. I looked up at mom who smiled down at me.

"A good breakfest ensures a good day. Take your time I woke you up early enough to eat and take a shower." I gaped at her. Who are you and what have you done with mom?!?! I looked back down at my food and picked up my chopsticks and started eating. Mom even set down a big cup of milk. She sat down herself and started eating. We all ate in silence, enjoying the food. I took my time so I wouldnt get a stomach ache. Once I finished I gathered everyone elses finished plates and washed them quickly.

"New shampoo is in the cabinet, I got mandarin scent this time!" Mom said as I started making my way back up the stairs. I waved in acknowledgement. The bathroom was right across from my room. It itself wasnt that big. I grabbed the new shampoo and replaced it with the empty shampoo. Stripping down, I turned on the shower and let it run for a few minutes since it took a while for it to get hot. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My raven hair was messy and spiked up in a few places, my amber eyes were tired, yet my tan skin was still the same. Sometimes I wished I had pale skin like my brothers. Theirs was milky and seemed soft, while mine was dark and made me stand out like a sore thumb amongst a crowd. I turned my attention back to the shower. Since it finally got hot, I stepped into the tiny shower and started to wash myself. I scrubbed my tan skin raw, and washed my hair with the new shampoo. Once I finished with my shower, I dried myself and went into my room. Clothes were placed on my bed and to my surprise they were new. I tried them on and was immediately delighted. I had a new mesh undershirt along with a new black top that has a low v-neck collar. And new white shorts. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. My black hair was clean and calmed in its regular short shaggy cut, my eyes were bright, and my tan skin looked cleaner. My clothes fit nicely as well.

I quickly made my bed and took one last look at my room. This may be the last time Ill ever see it. I took a breath and closed the door. I headed downstairs to see mom dressed in her nice casual clothes, Rinzo and Kinzou stood beside her.

"Get your sandals on, we're leaving!" Mom said with a half smile. I slipped them on and we all headed out. I followed mom and my brothers since I wasnt sure where we were supposed to be.

"Jun, me and Kinzou got you something!" Rinzo smiled. I looked at him curiously as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small bag.

"Whats that?"

"Military ration pills!" He said as he plopped it into my open palm. I peeked in it to see what looked like little black beads.

"They are special pills that replenish one's chakra and nourish the body. Its made up of powerful stimulants and nutrients, said to allow the user to keep fighting for three days and three nights without rest."

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