3 Years

29 3 0

My body felt like lead. My eyelids were heavy. I could hear hushed voices around me, something warm grasped my hand gently. To even try to move was impossible, so I tried to force my eyes open. As soon as they opened a sliver, light blinded me. A groan escaped my lips as my face scrunched in pain.

"Juns awake!!" A voice said excitedly. I tried again, my eyes watering as I opened them. Fuzzy figures stood in front of me, slowly coming into vision. I recognized Rinzo and Kinzou, and Mom sat beside me, my hand in hers. A doctor and a few nurses stood by. I blinked a few times, trying to clear the blurriness. It was like I wasnt even there, I was that groggy. A man stood at the foot of my bed. As soon as I saw the white hair, I jumped at him. I ignored my sore muscles protest, and the pain that screamed at me as I held him tightly. A soft sob escaped my lips, as tears stung my eyes.

"Daddy..daddy..." I mumbled against his clothing. Strong arms embraced me, as I sobbed harder. I couldnt think. I thought it was a dream, but the gut renching pain that set my body aflame.

??? POV:

As soon as his eyes landed on me, he threw off his blankets and threw his arms around me tightly. A soft gasp went off as everyone stared at him in shock. A soft sob racked his body as he held me tighter.

"Dad..daddy..." he whispered into my shirt. I stared down at this child softly, his wounds had already reopened yet he still clung on tight. Gently, I wrapped my arms around him as he cried harder. A few minutes passed as his sobs turned to soft breathing. He passed out already..must be the pain and exhaustion.

"She should rest." The doctor told me quietly. I quirked a brow at him.

"Wait what?" I mumbled. I pulled the child away from me, assessing his chest. A bloody bandage was wound around his chest but he was flat as a board. Reaching a hand, I peeked in his shorts. Holy shit.

"What?! He's a she?!" I yelled. They all shushed me. I gave the child another look over. Her black hair and dark skin was tainted with blood, cuts, and bruises. Her body wasnt even developed yet. Thats why I didnt notice. Though I shouldve figured, she made a very cute boy, it almost made me question my sexuality. I blushed at the thought. Well thank god. I set her back down on the bed, pulling her blanket over her.

"She should be disqualified!! She lied about her sex!!" A woman whispered lowly. I turned to see the mother of the other boy, standing beside his bed as he lay unconscious.

"No one said that girls couldnt participate!!" The mother of the girl defended.

"Are you blind?! Didnt you notice that no girls participated?!" The woman hissed. I raised a hand in an attempt to calm them, this made them shut their mouths, awaiting my answer.

"Its true..I only accept boys..." I said. This made the girls family look at me mortified as the other woman smirked.

"But. Your son cheated in the first task. He knew of a clear water stream next to the goal. You..you were the one who told him." I said flatly. A look of fear passed the womans features but she quickly hid it with a smile.

"Ive never been up the mountain, how would I know? Besides, he is a boy. Unlike this..girl." she said through gritted teeth. Ugh. Your just making this harder for yourself.

"Lies will only dig you deeper in your own web of despair." I quoted. Just like a great man once told me.

"The girl won. Without cheating."

The woman stuttered, looking for another excuse.

"B-but she's a girl!! Cant you do the test again?!" She asked desperately.

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