Second Challenge

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"The second challenge begins in an hour."

"And what is the second challenge?" Rinzo asked.

"A spar until the other opponent is immobilized or unable to fight anymore." Master Nao informed. A panicked feeling set in my stomach. I had no real training. The only fighting I ever did was with Daisuke and the boys in town.And even that wouldnt be considered real fighting. I looked over at Rinzo and Kinzou. Both gave encouraging smiles.

"Your hour begins now." Master Nao said before poofing into smoke again. I felt strong arms pick me up and suddenly I appeared in a different part of the mountain. I looked around to see a training ground.

"We know that you arent trained. So we're going to teach you the basics." My brothers said. I whizzed around to see them and mom.

"I only have an hour though!"

"An hour is plenty." Mom grinned. She pulled up her sleeves and made a hand sign. 2 more of her appeared. I had seen this before when I watched the kids practise.

"Ram, Snake, Tiger!" She shouted, demonstrating each sign.

"Focus chakra into each sign evenly otherwise the jutsu will fail!" Chakra. I had seen my brothers use chakra before when practising. They said it was the lifeline of ninja.

I tried it, using the 3 signs mom showed me. I tried to focus it, trying to find where this chakra was in my body. The first try, I managed 1 clone but it burst into smoke the moment it appeared.

"Harder!! Your chakra is deep inside you!! Focus!!" Mom yelled. I tried the handsigns again, and focused harder, reaching deep inside my stomach. A warm feeling came from my stomach. I heard a poof as 2 appeared but were in horrible shape. They barely even looked like me.

"Your not using enough chakra!! Force it out!!" Mom yelled again. I winced but did the handsigns again, But this time I imagined a hand reaching down the pit of my stomach and grasp a bubble. I focused hard as I squeezed that bubble. It popped and a hot feeling shot through my entire body, it ran through my veins, making my heart beat faster. I opened my eyes to see 3 perfect replicas of me. They grinned at me with a thumbs up.

"Yes perfect!! You opened your chakra storage!!" A smile spread on my face as I sat down, panting a bit. I wasnt used to the draining effects chakra had.

"Now transformation jutsu!! Dog, Boar, Tiger!!" She shouted doing the handsigns. With a poof of smoke she had turn into Kinzou. I gaped at her. This Ive never seen!! She laughed at my shocked face.

"The object is to imagine what you want to transform into while doing the jutsu." She explained. I took a deep breath and did the handsigns and tried to focus on someone. I opened my eyes cautiously. Mom smiled.

"Im honored that you transformed into me."

I looked down at myself. Aww crap I was trying to transform into Rinzo. I then poofed back to normal. Rinzo and Kinzou appeared in front of me with smirks.

"Our turn." Dear god help me.

45 minutes later...

Daisuke and I stood facing eachother in the training ground. Our families watched at the edge of the training ground along with Master Nao. I studied Daisuke silently, from his brown hair in a ponytail to his ninja holster strapped on his leg. I simply stood there, in my regular clothes with just a bag in my pocket. He was smirking, as if he had already won. Like Id give him the satisfaction.

"You may..begin." as soon as the words left Master Naos lips, Daisuke threw kunai at me. I dodged nimbly and took a stance. Yeah. Cause a stance is totally gonna help me. He threw some shuriken which I managed to dodge. Then I sensed it. Daisuke reappeared behind me, aiming a kick at me. I threw both arms up in defense, blocking the blow as his kick connected with my forearms. He used the shuriken as a distraction as he appeared behind me ready to Ignoring the pain in my arms, I quickly backed up as Daisuke slashed at me viciously with a kunai. My eye caught a moment when he slashed to wide and was completely open. Piveting on my foot, I blocked his arm with the kunai and aimed a solid punch to the side of his chest. He stumbled back a few steps, caught off guard by the sudden attack. His kunai scattered to the ground. Rule 1. Do not stop. I lunged at him, aiming my fist into an uppercut which he narrowly dodged. He brought back a fist, hitting my stomach hard. A soft cry escaped my lips as I fell backwards, but I sprung my hands out and stumbled into a back flip. As soon as I looked up, his foot connected with my face as he round house kicked me. Rule 2. Eyes on your opponent. Pain exploded in my face, as I felt the taste of iron flood my mouth. Dont stop. I spun around quickly, knocking him off his feet. This gave me the opportunity to jump on top of him. I punched him in the face, whipping his head to one side. I punched him again. And again repeatedly till his nose started to bleed profusely. He hit me on the side of my face hard, knocking me off him. He got up shakily, feeling the blows on his face to a full extent. He turned his head and glared at me as he spit out blood.

"You bitch.." He growled lowly. Blood filled my mouth making me spit as well. I wiped my mouth, barely even processing the blood smudged on my arm.

"By the time this is over..your gonna look like you had a terrible accident." He threatened. I mustered a cheeky grin.

"Your birth was a terrible accident." I teased. Without warning he punched me in the face. My head cracked to the side painfully, as I stumbled. Quickly I grabbed his shirt collar with both hands, saving my fall as I brought my head forward and head butted him. My face was numb, the taste of iron overwhelming. Daisuke dropped to the ground, holding his face in pain.

"Broke my nose you bitch!!!" He cried out at me. I took a few steps back, my body shaky as I started to pant. My body hurt. It hurt so much. Especially my forehead, which felt like I smashed a brick on it. Daisuke got up, recovering quickly as he lunging at me full speed as he made handsigns. Wait a minute.... 3 more of Daisuke appeared around me, each armed with kunai. It all happened so fast, I started to panic. I only had 3 seconds before I was immediately immobilized. Thrusting my hand in my pocket, I grabbed a small bead and threw it against the ground as hard as I could. Smoke consumed us as he and his clones looked around in surprise. Oh thank god I chose the right bead! I quickly did some handsigns. Please work, please work.

Daisukes POV:

The smoke started to clear and I spotted a figure. Quickly, I threw my shuriken at Jun, my clones doing the same. A strangled gasp sounded making me smirk. The smoke cleared some more, revealing the bloodied figure. My mom stood there, kunai and shuriken sticking out of her as she stared at me horrified. Panic seized my chest as I stared at her, unable to believe this.

"D-dai..suke..." she whispered painfully, blood escaping her lips. This isnt happening!! I whipped my head around to see where my mom last stood with Juns family and Master Nao. There she stood, horror all over her face as she yelled out to me.

"DAISUKE LOOK OUT!!!" But it didnt reach my ears fast enough. Pain tore through my shoulder as someone pushed me down to the ground roughly. My eyes were wide as a cry escaped my throat. I looked up to see Jun, smiling down at me. Kunai and shuriken were stuck in his flesh, blood dripping out of his mouth, as he stared down at me almost manically. I shifted my eyes to the roaring pain in my shoulder. Jun had stabbed a kunai in my shoulder, his fist bloody as my blood started to pool.

"Rule 3. Dont look back." He whispered.

Juns POV:

He stared up at me, pure terror in his eyes as he gasped for breath. My hand loosened its grip on the kunai as I hovered above him. My body was numb and shaky, my mind fuzzing while my arms grew unsteady.

"DAISUKE!! DAISUKE!!!!" A woman screamed as she shoved me off of him. I stumbled as I tried to keep myself upright, but I failed as I fell to the ground. I watched with blurry eyes as she held him, wailing and screaming.

"My baby!! Please save my baby!!!"

I felt myself go in and out of consciousness as I stared at her.

"Jun...Jun...your gonna be ok Jun...." A voice whispered, barely audible over the womans cries. My eyelids drooped, they were so heavy..The woman whipped around, tears streaming down her face as she glared at me with hate in her eyes. Her lips moved, but her words were silent as I finally slipped into the darkness.

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