Chapter 10

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"So will you?"

I didn't know why I cared so much to get her forgiveness (I knew why it was because I felt guilty but I'm not going to admit that to myself or anyone else).

Everything I said just came out wrong, Adrian usually says that that is my worst feature-I yell and scream and don't think about the consequences. This is how I got into this mess.

Her sister stood behind her while she looked up at me with a clenched jaw, she was very angry. Maybe she would kick me in the balls again, that would be fantastic not to breathe for the next few minutes.

Ava walks away and mutters to Juliet about Adrian, I'm not sure why but I'll find out eventually.

Juliet relaxes her jaw and nods.

"What about the men who are after you and most likely me?"

"For now my dear, we don't have to worry about them, maybe later."

She casts her eyes downwards before looking at me.

"Did you mean what you said?" I bit back a little, I was happy about having a baby but she was my problem-I mean it in terms that I want to stay away from her but I can't, I dream each night of her in my arms and it's driving me crazy that I'm so close to making her mine but things are just so new.

"No, I was just agitated by Adrian-I'll pick you up Friday, say six pm? The dress code is formal." She nodded, I pulled her to me before she closed the door and kissed her. I pulled back and walked away before I went further. I hated the idea that she wasn't just mine and that she was there for the taking by anyone.

I wanted her to be mine. Only.

I can't ask that of her, no, she doesn't owe me anything and we were just bound by a baby, nothing more. That is what makes me even madder.

I walked to my car, unlocking it and then was driving to the dock where all the containers were packed.

Adrian was waiting for me there, leaning against his sportscar. He had his blonde hair was perfectly styled and his suit was in perfect order. I'm assuming he is imagining him as James Bond again.

"You're late." He comments when he walks to me.

"I had to take care of something."


"I'm sure you would know, what were you doing there?" He shifts his eyes away from me, but I could see that I am spot on with my assumption.

"I...was talking to her sister." He rushes over his words.

"Don't shit with me Adrian, whatever you said actually did me some good."

"I always clean up your fuck ups but this is the last relationship one."

"It's the only relationship one you've ever helped with." I glare at him, he just sighs.

"Come one, we've got work to do." I slid the deadbolt on the container open and with a loud clang the door opened, we bought this container years ago so the dust was still thick as we open it.

Our guy sat in front of Anatra who is tied to the chair in the middle of the container. He was tied down in the most complex series of knots I've seen in a while.

He turns around and stands up, Anatra has a new piece of duct tape on his mouth

He walks to us.

"Is he talking ?"

"No, not yet, what should he say?"

"Just that he killed our father, when we have this we can talk to our new detective friend-when he's locked up he needs to be so scared he doesn't try to come near us again."

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