Chapter 14

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One AM in the morning I was woken up by Ava. I sat upright, in surprise.

"What the hell Ava?"

"Get your stuff together, we have to go!"

"Go where?"

"I'll tell you when we're in the car." I packed up the necessary things and dressed in a flash. Ava started driving, and I was just very confused at the moment.

"Adrian sent me the address of a place where we'll be safe, the men Blake took care of are coming after him." I felt scared and panicked, what if something happens to Blake or Adrian? I won't be there for him. I placed my hand on my baby bump.

She turns to me and gives me a small smile.

"Hey, sis, don't worry, it'll be fine, just think of it like we're going on vacation at two AM in the morning." It's hard to think of it like that when the man I love can get killed, sometimes Ava's optimism annoys me. I took a few deep breaths, trying to ignore everything that is going on. I started praying, praying for Blake and Adrian, for my baby to not feel the stress I'm feeling.

After a while of pressing silence, she interrupted my train of thought.

"I asked that journalist friend of mine about the brothers and he's told me some interesting things"

I didn't know much about them and Ava wanted to know more about Adrian so she decided that while she's in Milan she can do some digging, she mentioned her friend to me when we were talking on the phone just before she came back.

"He told me that both the brothers didn't study business, Blake wanted to be a novelist, after both of the brothers graduated they joined the military together, Adrian became a sniper but about four years ago after they left the military, their father asked them to help them with a contract. Something happened, my friend doesn't know what exactly but their father got shot, they then took over the company, their uncle works there too but he is not there a lot, he has other businesses"

This is too much for me to process, he was in the military? I didn't know any of this, he hasn't really told me anything about himself except that he likes to cook, I don't know this man. Adrian told me about his father and his dreams of becoming a novelist previously.

"Hey, are you okay? You look pale."

"Of course I look pale, I don't know Blake at all, I'm going to have his baby and the only way to find out about him is to have a journalist do some digging since he tells me nothing."

"At least Blake isn't as bad as Adrian, I've read articles on him, not in business times that makes me wonder if he really is the person they say he is. I guess it's true what they say, love makes you blind, and I'm sure that even now after you've learned this about him you still love him."

Do I love him? Have I ever loved him?


I fell asleep again after our conversation, I just couldn't stay awake.

Ava woke me up hours later, I opened my eyes to see the sun shining.

"We're here," She smiled, I sat upright, out in front of me is the most beautiful stretch of shore. The waves rolled by, no one was here since it's not tourist season now.


"That house up there is where we're going to stay, Adrian said it's his beach house, that no one knows about."

"And we'll be safe here?"

"It's safer than where we were, I guess they can still find us with the GPS and our phones, but I doubt they'll find us." This doesn't sound very reassuring actually. We walked with our bags to the house, it was a two-story high modern building, it looked pretty abandoned. Ava opened the door, someone opened up for us. I looked up, there was a lounge area above that I could see through the glass railings. This place looked like a  multi-million dollar home, I think it cost about that much.

"Well, I can see Adrian isn't shy when it comes to money." She studied the large living room, filled with leather chairs and a big screen, the open plan led out into a kitchen, also with stainless steel appliances and a glass island in the middle.

I set down my bag on the couch, at least I found the bathroom because at that moment my baby made it know he's/she's still there, I think my dinner came up. This may be the reason I'm starting to hate Blake. He did this to me, he's making my mind a mess and I'm so afraid of losing him, he's the bad guy and yet I can't hate him.

I washed my mouth out, I felt fresh tears running down my cheeks. I know that I should actually hate him, that I should be angry as hell he didn't tell me things, I couldn't care less right now. I'm so worried about him that it makes me feel even sicker.

I finally left the bathroom, things were getting hard to bear. I had to stay calm, even if I'm on the verge of freaking out. I didn't want to call him, I didn't want to hear his voice and miss him even more.

When I got out of the bathroom, Ava was smiling from ear to ear.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Adrian texted me, he and Blake are still okay, but he can't promise that he'll come back, so he texted me goodbye and that we might not be able to come back for about a month." Her face fell realizing what she actually was reading, she looked at me with the look of helplessness, we couldn't do anything to help them. I hugged her tightly, even if she never would admit it, she loves Adrian, in the short amount of time they've gotten really close.

She muttered that she's going to take a nap, I decided to call Blake after all.

It just went to voicemail

"I know I haven't said it before and all I can say is I love you, I don't know what exactly is going on but, if this is goodbye then just know I love you" I rested my hand on my bump.

Outside it started raining; I sat on the chair beside the window, looking out. I wish that he didn't do this job and that he wasn't in danger. I don't know how long I sat there but it started getting dark. Ava came down, she looked at me with a frown.

"Have you eaten today?" I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I shook my head, I didn't feel hungry either.

"I'm going to make dinner, luckily the cupboards seem relatively stocked, you need to look after yourself, for the baby and Blake."

After dinner, the rain started clearing up, I decided to take a walk on the beach. The waves churning, just before high tide. The cold wind blowing made my head much clearer, it doesn't help that I worry about Blake, I'm just stressing myself out and that's the last thing I need, I know it's inevitable to worry.

I can survive without Blake, before him I was fine and after him, I'll be fine.

I don't know for how long I'll be here, I really hope that whatever Adrian and Blake are planning will be a success, the last thing I'm ready for is to bury someone close to me. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I checked it to see it was David.

"Hi, David" I could hear the sadness in my own voice.

"Are you okay?" Why would he ask this if he doesn't know what's going on?

"Yes, why?" I have enough reason to be suspicious of everyone at this point.

"Haven't you watched the news?"

"No, what's going on?" I could hear him hesitate, he knew who Blake was, hell everyone who has access to the internet knows who the billionaire brothers are.

"Blake has been shot"

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