Chapter 22

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-Two months later-

I sat on the couch, Juliet beside me, her head on my lap while she was sleeping. I can't believe how much our baby has grown; our previous 3D scan showed everything clearly, the little eyes and the nose, that baby had my nose and chin. I love looking at the little limbs and every now and then I could see the baby moving as Juliet slept.

We decided to wait until our next scan before we find out the gender, I have a gut feeling that it's a boy but Juliet says it must be a girl. I didn't really care about the gender, it could be a girl that's going to be my little princess or a boy who is the little prince. Either way, I love him/her so much.

The best thing I could have done is quit, Adrian is now in full control and he says that he and his queen are ruling over the empire. I still had a bit of say, now and then to help Adrian since he's not doing as much dirty work as he used to. I also have some shares left that I'm going to give to our baby when the time is right.

I started writing again, I've always loved writing and becoming a novelist was one of my many dreams. Now I get to write again and even managed to get a publishing deal, it helps that I have it in with basically every kind of business that there is around here.

Being engaged feels strange, I've never been much of the relationship type and I can safely say that that has changed. I know that we haven't known each other that long but I also know that we know each other's dark secrets and everything else there is to know. I love her so much that it scares me to think that she isn't going to be here forever so I decided why not make it official.

We decided to wait until the baby is born and we've settled into parenting before we get married, having a baby is daunting me. I've read all twenty books that Juliet and I have about babies and I still don't feel prepared for it.

I can change a diaper, okay, and I know how to burp a baby but that's about it.

I've never been this nervous in my life before-and that's saying a lot since I am after all the great Blake Stone.

I sat on the couch reading a non-baby book for once and Juliet was fast asleep.

She shifted on my lap and started waking up after a good three-hour nap. I feel bad for doing this to her really, hell Adrian is right, I am very whipped.

"Hey, sleepy head" She sat up.

"You sat here for three hours?" I nodded as she looked at the clock over the fireplace.

"Are you hungry?" I put my book down and stretch out my legs.

"Don't you know I'm always hungry." I started making a light meal for lunch. I heard a knock on the door and went to it, I'm so used to checking over my shoulder that I stopped at the door monitor and made sure it wasn't one of the many dangerous acquaintances I had-I don't want to redo what happened to Ava.

I opened the door to see Adrian and Ava there, I wonder what he wants.

"What are you doing here?"

"We bought lunch but I want to talk to you about something." Adrian took the bags and walked in, he muttered something about stalling Juliet.

"Okay so we need to plan a baby shower, I forgot, to be honest, and I'm sure you haven't thought about it, she's already 7 months pregnant" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Actually, I have I'm sending invitations out next week" I'm Blake Stone, after all, I come prepared no matter what.

"Really?Okay, I underestimated you," She walked in and joined Adrian who was scooping a salad into a plate and talking to Juliet.

"Hey! Eyes upwards" Adrian turned red, Ava laughed. I understand why he couldn't help check out Juliet, she looked radiant and he swollen chest made a yearning in me awaken that I have to keep in. She's at that stage where she wants to jump by bones very day, I don't mind but it can be exhausting

After lunch Adrian and I chatted about business and Juliet and Ava went shopping, I can imagine how Juliet is going to complain about sore feet when she comes back.

"So have you found out the gender yet?" Adrian asked and changed the topic swiftly.

"No, we'll find out in the next sonogram."

"I hope it's a boy, so then we have an heir for the business and someone to keep our legacy alive."

"I don't care about that really, I did in the beginning but I know how I had grown up knowing I was going to run this business someday and how I had to be what our father expected me be-it's not fair"

"It isn't actually."

"So you and Ava..."

"She's a killer queen that's for sure, she keeps everyone on their toes, including me." He had this sly look on his face, god I'm not the only one that's whipped. I stood up.

"Hey, do you want to see the baby room now that it's complete?" He nodded.

We walked upstairs to the room beside ours, I opened the door. It revealed the simple white and beige room. I wanted to make it neutral enough for both genders. On the wall, there was a saying that Juliet decided on.

You're the origin of love

I love how it suited us perfectly, this baby is the origin of our love, and even if it's not the ideal relationship it has turned out to be the best relationship ever.

Adrian's phone started ringing and the killer queen had me thinking it's Ava because of the obviousness. He answered it and I closed the baby door again, I can't wait until we actually get to use it. I walked back down leaving Adrian to his conversation and me to my book, my study had numerous books but they were mostly business related . We would be going to the book store tomorrow because I don't think The underestimated aspects of management is considered a good baby book although I plan on reading it to him/her someday, it's a good thing to know.

Adrian manically jogged down the stairs and stopped in front of me.

"Juliet..." he muttered out of breath.

"What happened?"

"They're heading to the hospital."

"What happened!"

"Ava only said that Juliet collapsed" I could feel my whole body tense up, this can't be happening.

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