Chapter 12

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-One week later-

The sun sifted through the curtain, I turned my head to see Juliet beside me. I peck her on the cheek but she doesn't stir. She looks so peaceful.

My phone interrupts my little train of thought, I pick it up slowly, it is still too early at five AM.

"Blake Stone"

"Hey, it's Adrian"

"Tell me you have good news",

"Anatra isn't talking and our guy says that he already has less than 10 fingers."

"So why did you call me then?"

"I want to hear if you're ready for today" Today is the day that I and Juliet are going to a sonogram together and most likely going to hear my baby's heartbeat. I am excited but also dreading that something might be wrong.

"At five Am in the morning?"

"Stop asking me about my motives." I heard the loading of a gun on the other side of the call. And he says I shouldn't ask him about his motives when they sound to me to be not that pure. Not that I actually asked him.

He is dangerous, that I'm sure of but the thing is with him, he had special tactics training and sniper training, he was in the military and headed a team for a while before we took over our father's company after college-this is a lethal combination with all our enemies.

"Oh, and the sound of a gun is pure of motive?" I could hear him sigh.

"I found out some of Anatra's men are still lurking around the container, so a hunting I'll go. I'm taking my A-X1(his machine gun) with, sure you don't want to join me?" I shrugged.

"No, I'm fine, I'll talk to you later" I was really curious about what is going on with him and Ava, she was in Milan now but he seems to talk about her a lot.

Juliet started waking up, she looked at me and then snuggled on my chest, I pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily.

She kisses me on the cheek, in silence she runs her fingers along my stubble jaw, I grabbed her hand and kiss her palm.

"You shouldn't tease." She muttered.

"Hey! I am not teasing, it's a kiss on the palm, and it's not even sexual." I defended.

She smirks and sits up.

"That was actually a chance for you to say 'yes indeed I'm teasing' and then kiss me, and then do whatever it is you like." I sat up in a jolt.

"Can we redo this conversation then?"

"No, sorry" Oh she was the devil sometimes, we weren't really living together but we might as well be since she's here most of the time, I prefer it. Here I have security cameras and guards that walk the premises. Well trained might I add.

While she's in the shower I could check on something.

I walked down to the garage and opened up the door to my gun room, on the walls were an array of rifles, I don't use them but they are here for good caution and I have the feeling that I'm going to have to use one of these soon.

I don't like using a gun, I was trained to but I vowed to not use one again until I need to. I locked the door behind me and walked to the kitchen, Juliet has no idea who she really is with and I need to tell her, though not now.

She came down when I started breakfast, I love cooking for her, especially because she likes me cooking, thinks it's sexy and because I want to make sure my baby is well fed.


"Mmh?" She looked at me with a smile, I could feel my heart speeding up a little.

"What do you know about me?"

"Blake Matthew Stone, 31 years old, you were born and raised here and took over your father's company a few years ago with your brother-I'm quoting Wikipedia here" She giggled.

"What do you know about me?" She asked.

"Well, Juliet O'Malley, I know your family history and I know that you're 21, I know you love my cooking and you're about 8 weeks pregnant." She smiled. She didn't know everything which is great for me.

After breakfast we drove to the doctor's office, in a sense I didn't feel like the monster I was now-I felt so normal, this is what a normal couple does. I knew I wasn't this kind of person as seen by Juliet, I'm starting to get worried about her finding out.

The doctor which was a younger man greeted us and then Juliet had to lay on the table, I held her hand, trying to soothe our worried and stop me from punching the doctor because he is touching her, he rubbed the jelly on her stomach and then moved the scanner around.

I'm holding my breath, looking at the screen.

He stops moving it around and then the small blob comes up on the screen. It looked like he/she changed from the first time I saw the sonogram. I could see little numbs forming, little legs and tiny arms, it's really amazing to see.

"Okay, I'll just see if I can find the heartbeat." For a moment there is this awkward silence hanging in the air, suspense, and anxiety.

"See that spot there that's the heart" It's miraculous to see the heart beating, he then took measurements.

He smiled.

"And here is your baby's heartbeat"

I hear the rapid thumping, there is a tingle in my spine, 'sI closed my eyes for a moment to take in the miraculous sound. That is my baby in there, growing. Excitement coursed through me and I couldn't wait to hold him/her.

I opened my eyes to see tears streaming down her face, happy tears. I kissed her on the forehead.

"It feels so surreal." She muttered, the doctor left to make a copy of the heartbeat for us.

"I can't believe it either, you and I, we made a baby...a baby" I repeated. She smiled wiping away her tears.

After the appointment, Juliet was starting to feel sick again, so we went back home. I made sure she was okay, she fell asleep before I left. My guards had instructions to keep a close eye on her. I stopped at the container, at the exact wrong time.

I sat in disbelieve, seeing Adrian, chasing a guy whilst running and jumping from container to container, he shot at him a few times before, Adrian pointed and with one shot the man fell down. I've seen a lot of horrendous things in the field, it's not the first time I've seen Adrian kill and it's not going to be the last time.

I wish things were different and that we didn't need to things like this but it comes with the job. I am planning on getting out of this business but the are a few disputes that I need to take care of, including this one. Like I said, someone was going to die, and I'm making sure it's no one I know.

I walked up to Adrian, he looked at me with a sad smile, I bend down beside the body, closing his eyes.

"Clean this up, I want Anatra talking by the end of this week, and if he doesn't -kill him. I've had enough of this."

"That's not how we're going to get any information if he is dead, we can't kill him." Adrian states matter of factly.

I let out a deep sigh, after hearing my baby's heartbeat I couldn't even think about if something is going to happen with Juliet, I couldn't, it made my heart pain, literally. I felt guilt inside me rise. I didn't want to keep things from her and I don't want to anymore, she's made me more of a human than I ever was and I owed her the truth at least.

"By the end of the week, if he doesn't talk, I kill him, Adrian, today I heard my baby's heartbeat, I saw him and you know what?"

"I'm going to make sure nothing ever happens to my baby, I want this to be over, I want to make sure he'll never come back. I want to live to see my baby grow up"

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