Killer On The Run chapter 5

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I came home exhausted but seeing  saw rocky by the door waiting for me got me made it all go away . I look at my phone to check the time, it's  barely 6:30 pm.  

I looked back at rocky who was now laying on his back and stomach up for attention.  I bent down and started to play with him, after a half and hour I fed rocky and went to  my bedroom. To take another shower and got ready. 
I put on shorts ,a white shirt and put on my black converse.

I weny back to. the living room and saw rocky finally learned how to jump on the couch.
"i wish, I was that quick on things."  
I check the clock on stove and see that is almost eight 8. I grab my phone from the counter and head out. I get to bruno's house and knock hesitantly. 
I hear someone yell but I couldnt understand what they say, before i could turn to walk back to my house.
"Hey katherine,come in " phil said when he open the door for me.  I got in and hugged phil.  "where are the guys, it has been so long I havent seen them ." I said to phil while admiring  Bruno's house and style he used for it. 
"Follow me. " phil said  with a british voice causing me to laugh. He lead me to the living room.I saw everyone just hanging out and I saw bruno too,as soon as I came in everyone turned to me for a second before tackleling me with hugs all at once,well except Bruno he just stayed their quite. Never knew they missed me so much.
"Hey guys it been so long, OH MY GOSH miss you so much! " I said to them with a laugh, and I really did missed these goofballs. 
"Hows the life treating you,katherine ? huh i have been gearing every where now"
"really great, and especially when my album is coming out soon!"  i said extremely happy
"Really! when does it come out " kam asked. 
"January 27 wich is few days away!" 
"isnt January 27 your birthday? " Bruno suddenly ask. 
"Yeah,Yes it is my birthday like a birthday present for myself,and byw the way  im celebrating my birthday at this club and i want you guys to come."
"YES WE'LL BE THERE!" everyone said in a unison.  
"I guess we should start heading out, we dont want to miss the movie." Bruno announced.
we approach to the black expidition ,Phil got in first and then I did. when I got in I started to talk to phil,I felt someone next to me and turn to look who it was Bruno.  great.
I look back down and just stare at my shoes for so long. I look back and just looked foward and I had huge feeling that once in a while he will stare at me and look away. when we got to the movie bruno got out first and it was my turn to get out. when It was my turn get  out the car I accidently trip on the my feet and fell but bruno caught me. I look up to his face and I got lost into his beautiful brown eyes just for a moment, but I quickly pull away and bent down pick up my phone that I have droped.  
"Uh Thank you." I said
"Your welcome." He respond
This is going to be a long night, I thought to myself.

During the whole time me and Bruno kept our distance from each other wich i tought was the a good idead.when the movie has cane to an end we head to bruno's house, well  did I said bye to them and went back to my house  went straight  to sleep.

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