Killer On The Run Chapter 21

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and with that Olivia hunged up the phone leaving me confuse as hell. I walked into the living room grabing the controller and turning it on to channel 11.

as the screen came up .

I couldn't believe it......


News reporter : Singer Bruno Mars' Mother 55 year old  Bernadette san pedro bayot was  suffering a heart attack yesterday night and was taken to Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, for right now

she is in a critical situation.

My remote fell to the  the ground.

I felt the world stop for a second,

I couldn't say a word ,I couldn't do anything I was in total shock.

as i blinked a few times realizing it really

isnt just a nightmare.

I felt nauseous. I felt I hole in my  heart, me and Bernie had always had a good relationship, when me and Bruno.... were you know together. she was like my second Mom,

when my mom was too busy I always came to her For advice even after me and Bruno separated she was still there for me,but lately I haven't spoken to her and I regret it.

I quickly ran back to my room grabbing

my phone dialing Eric's number as fast as I could.

it rang a few times before hearing Eric's


Eric: Hello

hearing the sadness in him.

Me: I heard what happened, is she okay

Eric: They're running a few test to check what's going on.

Me: How's your everyone taking it.

Eric: better than I thought.

he sighs

Me : Hey everything will get better, and uh I'll be there soon.

Eric: don't have to.

Me: no its fine I want to be there for you guys and Bernie ,she is apart of my life too you know, and I want to be there.

Eric: Alright, have a safe flight see you in a bit.

Me: Keep me updated okay, bye

Eric:I will, bye.

* End of call.*

I started to text Jason and Olivia all at once, and trying not to panic at the same time.

I was asking Jason to come and take care of rocky,he was gonna have to pick him up because I didn't have time to drop him at his house and i told Olivia to tell Tina my manager that I was going to Hawaii for a week or less.

when I was done with that I was calling the airlines for a airplane ticket ,the only closes schedule was less than hour.

I took the quickest shower know to man kind.

putting skinny jeans and a white T-shirt putting on my converse, I started to pack a few clothes in my luggage,  I looked around if anything else I needed to get, I grabbed my phone and my ray-bans, putting them on.

I went back to my living room turning off the Television placing the controller back on the coffee table.

I looked back at rocky bending down on my knees , he was laying on the floor his tounge out while his tail was wagging.

" I'll see you less then a week bud,Jason will come and get you later." I said kissing the top of his head.

I head out the door calling a cab,

10 minutes later my cab come, a young malr sweetly smiles at me and puts my luggage in the trunk.

I thank him and entered the cab

I scroll trough my notification

and stop to where I had a miss call from my mom.

I called her back only hearing a few rings.

Mom: Hello Mija?

Me: Yes mom its me.

Mom: oh thank the lord you called me

back, I heard mama was in the hospital,

is everything all right?

feeling my heart melt of the way she cared for Bruno's mom,they both were like sisters from another mister.

Me:ma she's..... She's in a critical state and

there doing test on her too,but I don't if I should go to hawaii,she's Like mom to me but you know me and Bruno are not in good terms right now.

i said nervously while running my fingers through my long dark brown hair.

Mom: Now you listen to me alright, you will go to Hawaii, be there with for the family, even with Bruno, I know mija that two of you aren't doing so well for past few months but for now that should be pushed to the side and hope mama will be better soon.

I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders from the advice my mom gave me.

Me: Alright. thank you ma, I'll call you later love you.

Mom: keep me informed and have a safe flight mija the quiero.

*end call.*

I sharply breath out and lay back into the seat and watch as the cab goes by the palm trees.

And hoping bernie will get better soon.


Happy Good Friday everyone
ah yasss I updated
I know this chapter is kinda
sucky i know,
but the next chapter
will  be a lot better.
and i want to say
thank you for 5.9k reads
its means so much to that's you guys love to read my fan fiction
love you guys,stay fresh peaceeee ✌

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