Chapter 10

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A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! already 600 reads.. I love you guys!! sorry this took over like a year to update. I broke my phone and couldent get on for a while but I'm back so hopefully I can post more! Well anyways chapter 10 here, hope every one enjoys it!!

The next day was really crazy and cool all at the same time, i made a lot of new really cool friends and almost everybody loved me. But I'm not letting all this get to my head, thats the way to the dark side.

I decided to spend the day with Jacquie today since she finally got released out of the medics. We walked around, sat in the garden, talked, and just enjoyed each others company. Im really starting to like her. I know its wrong but i cant help it shes gorgeous and her personality is just amazing. We can talk about anything all the time!

lately, I've been seeking out more and more ways to be around her. She didn't seem to mind, though, so I wasn't complaining.

Just like the other day, i took her mail to her. And I asked to help study with her. Even going to her room sometimes, spending time with her always brightens my day. her smile can shine through any dark hour. and her eyes could take the place of any sparkling star. she was just amazing. and I'm really hoping she feels the same way about me but, that most likely won't happen...

"Mekal, are you okay?" I heard Jacquie ask as I drifted back into reality.

"What, oh yea I'm fine, why do you ask?" I asked nervously.

"Because, I asked you what else you wanted to do today and you just sat their looking blindly into space."

"Oh well w-"

"Mekal, Jacquie, the council needs to speak with you privately, they say it's important" Zett says cutting me off of my sentence.

Me and Jacquie look at each other nervously and bolted out of the room and to the council room.

We both enter together with every inch of our bodys shaking nervously. I dont know what she was so nervous about but I started thinking the council assumed we both had relations for each other. I seceretly hoped she was feeling the same.

"Padawans, you both are probably wondering why we sent for you here." We heard master Windu say.

"Do not fear for you are not in any trouble, the other council members and I have thought long and hard about this and..." there was a slight pause.

"Mekal, we are sending you out on a trial to find and locate a youngling that has been kidnapped from us, a Sith knight has captured this youngling and we want him back here safe and sound."

"You will be accompanied by one of your fellow padawan friends."

"Who?" I asked gleefully.

"The boy you fought in the finals of the tournament, Shan."

As he said that Shan walked in and my face grew unhappy.

"If you two come back with the youngling safe and unharmed you both will be introduced to one of our masters looking to take on padawans, do you think you can handle this mission?" he asked.

"Yes master." we both said.

"Good." he said.

"Your mission starts as soon as you are ready, report to the hanger when you are ready to leave. Good luck and may the force be with you."

we bowed and thanked them all before leaving the room.

I gave Jacquie a good luck look and she gave me a sympathetic smile. as soon as we left I turned to Shan and said,

"Don't think for a minute that this mission is gonna help us grow closer because I still hate you."

"I know, I didn't choose to be here. But if it helps get a master and to get away from you faster I'm all for it." Shan said.

I just gave him a disgusted look and walked away, "Come on we need to start packing for our trip." I said.

he caught up and tossed me a hologram device.

"Here we can call each other on it if we need each other's help or whenever your ready you can call me on this." Shan said.

"Thanks, this could be really useful."

he nodded and we walked away to our own rooms.

              ***A few hours later***

A few hours later we were both packed and ready to get a move on with our journey, it was just me, Shan, and the pilot taking us to our trial.

We boarded the ship and threw our luggage into our different rooms and both went to the cockpit.

"Master Windu gave me coordinates to where we were to locate the youngling I believe it was on the planet of Cato Neimoidia." the pilot said.

"Alright, how long for us to get there?" I asked.

"It should only take a few hours, not to long." he replied.

I thanked him and went back to my room, closing the door I sat down on the floor and started to meditate....

"I guess you don't realize who I am?" a strange familiar voice said through the vision.

the vision became clearer and Lord Bendrick came into sight, there were a few Jedi with their lightsabers in hand, Lord Bendrick began to attack and that's when I awoke to the ship landing...

"Mekal we're here get ready to go." Shan said. so I changed into my all brown robes and grabbed my lightsaber and made sure my hair was in a braid then grabbed my cloak and left my room..

"hey, be careful out there, there's a ton of danger out there!" the pilot said to us.

"Thanks for everything, we will see you after a while." I said before me and Shan left the ship.

while walking around, we observed our surroundings making little notes of everything we came in contact with.

while doing so, I decided to stir up some conversation so it wasn't so awkward.

"Shan maybe we should settle our differences and try to actually become friends otherwise, this mission won't go the way we want it to". I said.

"Well, maybe you're ri-..... hold that thought, look ahead.. droids coming our way." he said "look over there, we can hide there and see if we can get through this without having to risk our lives."

We sneaked around the corner and hid against a wall hiding and shielding us from the droid squad.

our breath heavy, and our backs against the wall, we waited there, making as little noise as possible while the squad walked past us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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