Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey guys heres another chapter! I'm hoping on using two chapters on this scene! Also theres a suprise waiting for you during the chapter! Please comment, vote and fan me! Im thinking about making a sequal to this, should I?

"Wake up everyone! Time to go to lunch before the tournament starts! Hope everyone had a good extra few hours of sleep. So on your feet!" Said a voice coming from a very loud speaker.

"Ughhh mornings will be the death of me!" I said angrily. I got up took my shower, made sure I was awake put on my best padawan robes, tied my braid the best I could then grabbed my lightsaber and headed out.

I entered the mess hall and looked around. I found Zett and Jacqueline sitting together at a table nearby. So I grabbed some food and took my seat at our table.

"Hey guys!" I said happily.

"Hey!!" They both replied.

"Umm are you nervous Mekal?" Zett asked.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Cause your shaking terribly and you can hardley even eat your food!" He exclaimed. I looked at my hands and saw that I was indeed shaking.

"Its my first year wouldent you be nervous?" I asked.

"Everyone is Mekal im still nervous" Replied Jacqueline. I nodded and took a bite of what seemed to be my "lunch". We talked and laughed then our smiles went away as fast as the speed of light. Shan was on his way to our table.

"Hey losers whats going on?" He asked.

"Shut up Shan before I punch you so hard i'll make sure you're grandkids feel it, if you'll ever have any." I said.

"Oh your too funny! Look we all know whos gonna win again so you just might as well give up here." He smiled wickedly.

"Shan, your in for a world of hurt if you dont get out of here." Jacueline said.

"Alright I guess I should, see you losers at the tournament." He snickered.

"Ughh I hate that stupid kid." Zett said.

"Don't we all?" I asked. We all nodded.

It was 11:30 Am so we all dumped our trays and headed to the arena to sign in.

"Hello i'm Mekal Mayer." I told the lady at the sign in booth.

"Mekal, Mekal, Mekal. Hmmm. Ahh here you are okay your good, you will be number 24 there is a screen up there that will tell you what the number is but we will call you by name. Any questions?" She asked. I shook my head and stood out of the line for Zett and Jacqueline.

"What number are you guys?" I asked.

"I'm number 42 and Jacqueline is number 19." Zett replied. I smiled.

"Whie and Jake please enter the arena now, Whie and Jake." Said a loud voice from a speaker.

We watched as each pair of kids went in and one declared as winner. They got more closer to Jacqueline then we thought they would.

Just a couple more pairs of kids to go. Numbers Fourteen and Fifteen were fighting now. We watched as they went back and forth on one another. Then number Fourteen force pushed the other kid into the wall and knocked him out. So he was declared winner! Man these games are rough.

Time passed and just as we thought.

"Zack and Jacqueline we are ready for you, Zack and Jacqueline." The lady from the speakers said.

"Good luck!!!" Me and Zett both cried. She then disappeard but then reappeared out in the arena.

Zack kicked then tried side sweeping her but Jacqueline was to quick. She started running but Zack ran after her. She was running staright towards the wall. What is she doing. She neared the wall and started running up it, Zack stopped a couple inches away and looked up, she then backfliped and kicked him against the wall.

He fell down but got back up just as quick but he was clenching his arm. Be brought out his lightsabers and attacked her but she force pushed him back, then she pulled out hers and twirled it. Just then the lights went out and all you could see were the lightsabers. I'm pretty sure they did this for the crowds amusement.

All you could see was jacqueline's Yellow double bladed saber and Zacks Purple and Blue sabers, it looked awesome. Just then I saw Zacks lightsabers go off and Jacquelines still on, then they went off.

The lights came on and the ref declared Jacqueline the winner!! Everyone clapped their hands and alot of us stood up and screamed our hearts out including me and Zett.

Jacqueline went to the booth and told her she won then the lady moved her up the ladder. She came back and we all attacked her. "Great job Jacquline!!" I said. She smiled and nodded then said, "Now its your turn."

Numbers 22 & 23 were up now and I was shaking like no tomarrow. 22 lifted up a box and force pushed it to 23 and it hit him in the head and knocked him out cold. 22 is the winner!

Just then I heard, "Mekal and Brett we are ready now, Mekal and Brett."

I got up scared then relaxed, I had to stay focused to win. They wished me good luck then I walked out of the stands and into the arena they introduced us and bam, Brett took off like a storm I waited until he was about a inch from my face, then I force froze him. He stood there fist back froze.

Then I backflipped giving me some room between us, force lifted a big box and unfroze him, he took off but not realizing what I was doing, I force pushed the box to him, the box and Brett went diffrent directions as they collieded.

Brett just layed on the floor as the ref counted, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. But just then he lifted himself up grabbed his Two lightsabers and taunted me so then I took out mine then they turned out the lights again and all we saw was my blue lightsaber an his two green lightsabers. I took off and frontfliped and tried kicking him, this didnt play out like I thought it would.

He tripped me and he lifted me and threw me across the room I fell on my side and had trouble getting up, like I was being held down, I looked and saw he was force trapping me, he couldent do that thats cheating! So the ref started counting.

1. 2. He had a evil smirk across his face. 3. 4. 5. 6. I then force repulsed and blew him away. I got up and ran he swung his sabers but I cartwheeled away he then threw his sabers but I ducked and threw mine. It hit him and he fell and my lightsaber returned.

The lights came on and the ref lifted my arm and declared me winner. I was so releived. I lifted both arms and shouted, the whole crowed cheered! I went up back on the platform and gave the lady my name and told her I won, she then moved me up the ladder and congradulated me. I nodded and walked back into the stands.

They both ran up and attacked me, then we all walked out the arena and found a place to sit and talk. Zett was Twenty people away so we didnt worry.

We all talked and shared some laughs, I loved these guys there my bestfriends I hope I dont have to fight them in the tournament.

They called out 37 & 38. Wow how time flys by. We got back into the arena just in time when we heard..

"Zett & Emily we are ready now, Zett & Emily." The lady called.

He then walked into the arena with emily and got introduced then started fighting.

"And the winner is, Zett Jukassa!" The lady said. We all cheered and And screamed till our voices hurt.

He told the lady he won and she moved him up the ladder, he came back and sat down with us watching the fights.

A/N: okay guys hope you liked it! Second chapter continuing this so stay tuned! Please comment vote and fan me! Leave suggestions about what you want me to write about and I might write about it! :)

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