Chapter 8

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Well hey guys hope you had an awesome Christmas!! I know I did! Well I had this chapter almost finished on my old phone, then I got a new one and I lost it somehow! So yea I hope you guys enjoy this!!! Please vote and comment, I need suggestions for the next chapter.

While waiting on our fights Jacqueline and Zett left to go talk again so I just sat here and watched the games.

"Shan and Chang we are ready, Shan and Chang" I saw Shan get up behind me and I stood and said, "Good luck loser." He just gave me a fist and walked off. Oh how I hated that rotten kid, if we both last and we have to fight each other I'm gonna beat the crap out of him even if it means disqualification. He deserves it.

The fight went on and of course they still weren't back yet I was getting concerned but I decided to shrug it off.

Many fights later and they still weren't back, they were finished with the first rounds and Jacqueline was almost up again, so I got up out of my seat and decided to look for them.

I looked everywhere, the mess hall, the training grounds, mine and Zett's room, everywhere! Just when I decided to give up I looked up to see two figures sitting on a bench in the garden, so I ran to them to discover Zett talking with Jacqueline.

"Hey Jacqueline c'mon your almost up." I said. She looked at me quite suprised to see me "I'll be there in a minute Mekal we're talking!" She replied back. "But Jacky we have to go now!!!!" I whined like a 5 year old. "Fine." Is all she replied with, she mumbled something to Zett and they both got up and we all sprinted back to the arena.

"Now entering the arena Jacqueline and Mistyyy!!!" The announcer spoke. We both motioned for her to go and she ran down there. They both entered and started attacking instantly.

"What were you and Jacqueline talking about?" I asked him curiously. "Oh just.. Things!" He said. I gave him a weird look and that was all. Next we saw Jacqueline get thrown to a wall, these people are violent ill tell you that.

Before you know it the crowd was going wild the referee lifted Jacky's hand and declared her the winner, she left and told the lady at the table her name and she moved her up the ladder once more.

She came back and we attacked her as well and she looked at Zett and they both nodded and started to leave again, "Hey!" I called out, "Where are you guys going?" I asked again. "We're just going to talk again we will be in the mess hall." She said. "Well what if I'm up and your not here?" I asked. "Then just come and get us." She smiled, then took off again. "Women." I said to myself.

I watched the rounds fly by like usual and before long I had my company back again, they took no longer than 15 minutes and not expecting to hear I heard "Mekal and Neme We're ready for you now." So I got up from the stands and entered the arena again, "I feel like a star!" I said as the crowd cheered.

They announced us and then we took off, my lightsaber already out gliding with the wind, I jumped up and slammed my lightsaber down and sent a shock wave to my opponent he fell back rolled and got up again. I swung once and jumped back so I took a big step towards him and swung again. He jumped back again and I took another big step and repeated the process.

Just then he hit the wall and I grabbed him threw him up and kicked him. He fell onto his back and clutched his side with a roaring pain. The ref came over and started counting, he got to 7 and he got up. Not very tough and not very smart I somersaulted towards him and punched the side I kicked making him weaker.

He fell a bit but instantly got back up. I drew my lightsaber up and attacked, he back flipped back a bit, got out his blue lightsaber and blocked my attack. I kept attacking steadily and he blocked every one of them, his defense is good, not so much his offense ill have to catch him when he's attacking then.

So I backed off and taunted him he ran to me and swung but I easily ducked and kicked his clutched side again. He fell to the ground and claimed his quits. The ref lifted my hand in victory and the crowd went wild. I took in all this fame for just a brief moment and left. I told the woman my name and she bumped me up to the Quarter Finals. I was so happy dancing on the inside.

I came back to my friends and they cheered, now all I have to worry about is Jacqueline, Zett, Shan and a few more kids I didn't know. I really think we all have it in us to win... Except Shan, he's a sore loser who doesn't deserve it at all

Battles kept passing and more and more kids kept getting defeated then was Zett he was so nervous he was shaking. I walked up to him lifted his chin and said "Breath Zett you can do this focus don't let anything cross your mind."

He just smiled and said "Thanks Mekal I needed that!"

"Ladies and gentleman I give you... Zett Jukassa and Tulius Grad" Said the announcer.

They walked out greeted and started to fight. I looked over to see Shan glaring at me. I ignored him and started to watch the fight again.

Zett was getting beat out there, people are vicious!!

Then Tulius grabbed Zett again and threw him against the wall and knocked him out cold.

"That's it, that's it the fight is over! The Quarter finals are done and the Semis are approaching." Said the announcer.

The ref lifted Tuliuses arm in victory and Zett left full of shame and disappointment. We saw him come over to us with tears in his eyes. When he saw us he ran out. I looked at Jacqueline confused but she just shrugged.

Hey here's chapter 8 finally done, chapter 9 to be out soon!!! Please comment and leave suggestions for this next chapter thanks! And also vote for me!

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