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The car ride to school after that was kind of quiet. I didn't know if I should of forgive him or not. I think I was starting to like him, too. Which I can't. Mean why would he ever like me? I don't even know why he was being nice to me. It just all didn't make sense.

I was just about to get out of the car and I noticed that people were already there standing around; watching. I stepped out of the car and looked. There was jocks looking at Jayden like he had mentally gone insane. They all looked shocked. The cheerleaders gave my snobby looks as soon as I passed by. I knew this was going to happen. Mean no one is going to take well, to people like me hanging with people like Jayden.

I walked to my locker and Alli was there at my locker. "Why were you in the car with Jayden?", she asked .To be honest even I didn't really know the answer to that. Wait oh, wait. Jayden practically made me. Alli would just make this into something that its not if I told her, though, but maybe that what I actually needed to hear? Maybe I needed to hear her little fantasies that she makes up. Who knows it may be amusing.

"He wanted to talk to me.", I said. Yeah, that works. Just be calm and not really answer. I was kind of not wanting to talk about it, but mean it wasn't anything, though, right? Of course not, why must he make me go insane?

"About what?", she asked with a really curious look. Its not like I didn't want to tell her. Its just, people were around and I didn't really know what to say exactly. Mean did he want to talk to me? Or was he just trying to be nice? I don't really know. I'm just going to tell her, mean she is my best friend.

"Well, some stuff about being sorry about being mean to me for the past years.", I said, "He looked pretty serious, but I don't know if I should believe him." I was biting my lip right then because I didn't exactly know what to think. I was just really confused. Maybe because I was thinking about things that me and Jayden used to do. All the flash backs were coming.

"Wow, do you still like him?", she said with a evil grin and nudged me a little. I never liked him. What is she talking about? Mean maybe as kids it seemed like that? Ever sense Jayden became "popular" he stopped talking to both of us. Me and him met Alli when we were around 5 years old. Oh, how I miss being young.

"You know you kissed him!", she yelled in a quiet hush yell. Okay, yeah that happened, but we were tiny and it wasn't really a kiss.

~Flash Back~:

Alli: Truth or dare?

Dawn: Dare.

Alli: Um, kiss Jayden.


Jayden: *Kisses Dawn*

~End Of Flash Back~

It wasn't really a kiss, mean we were ten and it was a dare. She always brings it up, though.

"It was a dare!", I said kind of shouting. I wasn't giving up. I just didn't want to think about it. It couldn't be possible. Mean me and Jayden. It just not possible.


Sorry that I haven't posted in awhile, I just started school again and alots been happening.(Its not fun haveing your past brought back up on the plate)

Anywho, so, heres a long-ish chapter.

I'll probaly post more tommorrow maybe, i'm not sure yet.


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