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I woke up to Jayden not being in my bed, but he probaly just left last night after I fell asleep. I grinned so big when I remembered what happened yesterday, and I hope it wasn't a dream. It was to real to be a dream, it had to of been real. If it wasn't I might die a little.

I didn't have school today because it was Saturday so that was good. I decided I would go for a walk because I had nothing to do. I went into the bathroom and got dressed into some shorts and a tank top, then walked out of my house to the road.

I walked by Jaydens house and smiled a little bit. I saw Jaydens car coming towards me so I stopped. When he pulled into the drive way I was still standing there. I was still a little confused on our relationship. I didn't really know what was going on, but before I could realize it somthing was hugging me.

"Hey!", Jaydens voice said. So, yeah that was Jayden I could tell.

"Hey.", I said to him when he let go and I smiled.

"What are you doing?", He asked curious.

"Walking.", I said and smiled again.

"Mind if I join you?", he said and mean how could I say no?

"Nope, sense I am really bored.", I said while laughing a little.

"Well, I can fix that.", he said with a smirk.

We walked down the road and I still was wondering what we were. Mean Boyfriend and girlfriend or just friends still? I didn't really know if I should ask, though.

"What are you thinking about?", Jayden asked. Should I tell him? I might as well.

"Us, I guess.", I said looking down.

"Look, I love you.", he said I could hear from his voice that he was completely serious.

I looked up to him and he automatically kissed me. People say fireworks happen when you kiss someone you really love, but all I felt was undying love, which I think is just perfect. When the kiss stopped all I could do is smile, mean what’s there to say? I could see he was smiling, to.

" Are we together then?", I asked awkwardly. That’s always a awkward question.

"If you want to be?", he asked staring at me looking a little worried.

"I do.", I said and smiled.

"Good to hear.", he laughed and wrapped his arms around me.


I was laying there with no words to explain how I felt. I know this is slightly pathetic, but you know you'd be feeling the same way. I'm pretty sure my life just got completely better.

I heard a knock at the door and saw Jayden standing in my door way.

"Hey", he said while smiling.

" Hey.", I said smiling, to.

"Ready to go to school?", he asked.

Yeah, its Monday again. Time to face the world and tell them me and Jayden are together. Whatever, they probably already know.

"Yeah.", I answered him.


We got to school and walked in while holding hands. Maybe people would get the picture? I saw Lacey standing against her locker talking to her friends which she turned and stared daggers at me when she saw me and Jayden holding hands. I have to say I was a bit scared.

"I think their going to kill me", I whispered to Jayden.

"They won't, I promise. Don't worry.", he said and smiled down at me.

Why did his smile always make me feel so much better? Its like my worries vanish completely when he tells me to not worry. Though, once I start to think about it they come back. Then I see Lacey staring at me right in front of me.

"Hey, Jayden. Um, and hey Dawn, is it?", she said still giving me a death stare.

"Yeah, its Dawn.", I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever.", she said and kept giving a flirty smile to Jayden.

If I could, I would punch her straight in the face, right here and right now. I didn't need to, though. Jayden completely did not say one work to her, he just took me and walked right past her, which made me want to burst out laughing. I did burst out laughing, to.

"What’s so funny?", he said smiling.

"You didn't say one word to her, she looked so mad.", I said while still laughing.

"Glad I amuse you.", he said while laughing a little.

I smiled at him and kissed him. Then he wrapped his arms around me. I'm pretty sure everyone was staring at us, but I could care less.

"I love you.", he whispered in my ear.

I just smiled at him. Here comes an joke that might be pretty hilarious.

"Who said I loved you, too?", I said joking.

"Your heart did?", he said smirking.

"Maybe.", I said laughing.

"Well?", he said looking at me.

"I love you, too.", I said and smiled.

Yeah, this was a pretty good day. Its been a pretty good week end, actually. I hope the rest of the week is like this. Because that would just be amazing.

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