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The week went by slowly, and miserably, but I still got through it. Jayden hasn't spoke to me like all week and if he has then it was only to say "Hi". I kind of feel bad that going out with Ethan is making him feel this bad, but its still my plan to make him hurt right? I'm nicer then him so, I don't know why I am doing this. I really like Ethan, though, I think I just need to talk to Jayden, but not right at this moment.

Now it is Friday night and I am trying to get ready to go to the movies. " What should I wear?", I quietly whispered to myself. I looked through all my clothes and finally just wore some skinny jeans and a black tank top. I put a little bit of eyeliner on and that’s it because I don't really like wearing makeup. Weird right? I'm not much of a girly girl at all.

I heard the door bell ring and ran down the stairs. Okay, I didn't really run, but I did walk fast. Mean why shouldn't I be excited? I opened the door and found Jayden standing at my door?

" Why are you here?", I said confused.

" He’s here to help me move stuff around in the garage!", my mom said from behind me.

" At 7 o'clock?", I said squinting my eyes at Jayden.

" I told him it could wait until tomorrow, but he said he would come now.", my mom said nicely.

"Uh huh", I said with my arms crossed glaring at Jayden.

" Well, you look really beautiful tonight, and what occasion is it for, may I ask?", Jayden said with a weird accent, but I could see the evil smirk on his face.

Wow, is he seriously here to see Ethan pick me up? No, of course he isn't. He wouldn't ruin everything for me, would he? Before I could think about it anymore, Jayden was already opening the door for Ethan.

" Oh, hey Jayden.", Ethan said confused.

" Hey.", Jayden said with a amused grin.

" Uh, lets just go Ethan.", I said trying to pull Ethan outside.

When we got outside and got in the car I was afraid Ethan would freak out that Jayden was in my house. Though, I guess I have a explanation. Oh, here he goes asking.

"Why, was Jayden at your house?", Ethan asked curiously.

" We've been child hood friends and he was helping my mom with something.", I said casually.

" Oh, okay.", he said sounding like he didn't believe it.

Its not like I was lying. It was the complete truth. I hope Ethan doesn't make a big deal out of this. I don't see why he would, though.

When we got to the movies, we went into the movie and sat down. Strongly enough it felt awkward. I kind of just wanted to leave.

Ethan did that pathetic move where he put his arm around me, which made me want to laugh, but I held it in. Then I started think about what would happen now, was Jayden mad at me? I was worried that I had ruined everything, but I don't see how I could of.

The plan was to make Jayden jealous and I think I did enough. I just wanted to talk to him. This was a stupid move from the start.

When we finally left I was really glad because I just didn't like Ethan at all. I think I was starting to realize that maybe I liked Jayden, but no that isn't possible. I was still in denial.

Then when we got to my house, I saw Jaydens car still there. Which didn't really surprise me, kind of made me excited actually.

" Well, bye!", I said about to jump out of the car.

" Wait, um..", he was saying something, which it just made me feel even more awkward.

Then he started to lean in with his eyes closed. He wasn't going to try to kiss me was he? No, he couldn't be, but no he was. Great! How am I supposed to get my self out of this one?

As soon as he got close enough I turned my head so that he kissed my cheek, and got out of the car. Well, that couldn't of been worse.

I walked in my house and saw no sign of Jayden in the living room so I just walked in my room. I opened up my door to find Jayden laying on my bed.

"What are you doing?", I asked.

"Waiting for you.", he said while looking at the ceiling.

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I walked in my bathroom and got changed in some shorts, then walked out and laid next to him.

"Why were you waiting for me?", I asked him turning my head to look at him.

"I don't know. I just haven’t talked to you in awhile.", he said while turning his head to look at me to. " So, how was your date?", his smile faded a little when he said this.

"Um, good I guess.", I said awkwardly and looked away from Jayden a little.

"What happened?", he said laughing a little.

"Nothing, just awkward stuff.", I said looking at him with a slight grin, but it faded when I remembered I pretty much only did it to make Jayden jealous, but why did I want to make him jealous? I don't think it was just because of the things he did. I think it was because I liked him, a lot. I think I finally let go of the denial.

"Why was it awkward?", he said turning his head to the side a little, like he was confused.

Could I tell him why with out him looking at me weird? I bet he would laugh if I told him that I only did to make him jealous. I think I might as well just say it, though, I kind of just wanted him to know.

" I only, um.", I tried to say, but I couldn't get it out. I could feel my cheeks getting red.

" You only did?", he asked looking really confused.

"I only went out with him to make you jealous!", I practically screamed, by that time my cheeks were burning red.

"What?", he asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"I said it once and I don't want to repeat it.", I said quietly.

"Why would you want to make me jealous?", he said like he couldn't believe it.

" Well, at first it was to get back at you for the things you did, but now-", I didn't know what I was saying, I couldn't even finish my sentence. "But now, I think I really like you.", I said full of hope.

"Well, wasn't expecting that.", Jayden said with a little smirk.

I sat up in my bed and just looked down; playing with my fingers.

"Yeah, stupid isn't it?", I said still looking down.

He did something that I was completely not expecting. He grabbed me and pulled me to his chest and said, "Not even a little."

" I feel stupid.", I mumbled against his chest.

"Why?", he said while laughing.

" I don't know.", I said while snuggling my head into his chest a little more.

"Well, you shouldn't because I like you to.", he said those words and it made me smile like a freak, but he couldn't see it.

That night I just fell asleep in his arms with a smile on my face.

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