chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Gray clouds filled the azure frosty sky, blocking the rising sun in-between. It was too early for Jake’s eyes to fully open. Walking in the cold, silence street of Lombard where Jessica’s antique shop still stands between the two mansions, old and worn out. The heels of Jake’s boots echoed on the cement sidewalk alone. He couldn’t tell how early it is because of the foggy weather and carefully he takes each step, hugging himself tight of the frosty breeze.

            Standing beside the streetlamp is Alice wearing a thick coat with a fur hood, black leggings and leather boots. She seems unaffected and responses when Jake came into view.

            “So,” Jake squeezes himself. “What now?”

            “Come on.” Alice turns to head to the front door of the antique shop.

            The front door looks severe and old, the glass windows was taped with wooden boards and an old cardboard sign paste on the top of the door says. We are closed please wait until 10 am.

            The tall, huge eerie mansion that stands in front of him is what he pictured in his memory ten years ago. The antique shop was new and still looks nice and clean but today it looks like it has been hit with a strong typhoon. There were tall and ghastly looking bushes on the corner, right beside the mailbox.

            Alice tries to twist the knob but she backs away, her back turned to him. Jake could smell perfume—mild the one that Jake liked.

“It’s locked.” She says as white fog creates under her breath.

            “Of course its lock its 5 or 6 am in the morning.” Jake grunts, shivering. “Nobody would be awake in this hour.”


            When Jake and Alice turn around, Emie stands in front of the door, her body black and white. Jake’s heart begun to drum louder and louder, this excitement he feels, it’s like he’s never been happy to see Emie in one day.

            “Emie!” Jake shouts with delight, good thing his voice is drowned by the loud gust of wind spinning around the mansion.

            “What are you doing here?” Emie grins, walking closer to Jake.

            “If you’re here then that means they are really here.” Alice says, looking sternly at the door.

            “Oh you mean Ben and the others?” Emie replied. Now Jake is scratching at the back of his head, clueless of what they are talking.

            “Ben and the others?” Jake says in an irritated tone, his hands already in fist. Alice looks at him but seems unaffected by his reaction. He continues. “Can you please tell me what we are doing right now?” Emie looks at him with a worried face. “Really, I’m sick of you taking me where and whatever is going and don’t give me that death stare because I am sick of being beaten up and being clueless of what is going on here so tell me!”

            There was a long pause before Alice could reply; Jake’s face is flushed by anger and his eyes were cold and icy staring at Alice alone. But after that Alice smirks and chuckles. “Good to have you back, oldest brother.” She says. Jake’s face pressed. “You know I’m kind of tired of telling you what to do and you being an idiot for having an oldest brother who is supposed to be responsible for all of these. But I was wrong; today you’re a new Jake and I’m proud to have you back.” Jake calmed down a little. Emie looks at them, both confused and worried. Now that Jake thought about it, Alice and him were both frustrated but good thing that Jake has let it all out of else it may take it forever.

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