Babysitting the King of Hell

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"Why me?!" you slammed the book down on the table and glared at the Winchesters. Dean just punched Sam's arm "this is more your area, Sammy boy" he smirked and left. Sam watched his brother leave "well?" you snapped at Sam to which he turned back to face you, wide eyed " thought that because Cas is really busy and we both have to go and investigate this case that you wouldn't mind" you narrowed your eyes at him. With that you stood up, you don't know why but Sam had mentioned dozens of times that you scared him. No idea why, I mean it's not like the glare you give could literally burn a hole through someone's head, or stare into their soul or not like that one time where you caused Cas to run out of the bunker because you were seriously pissed off and poor Cas just happened to be there, nope no clue it will always remain a mystery.

You sighed deeply trying to calm yourself "so let me get this straight you want ME to babysit Crowley? ME!" you empathised the 'me' part making sure that he was aware who he was actually asking. He just nodded "you have 1 hour, then I want you to find someone else, okay?" he nodded again "thank you", "yeah, yeah just go that hour is ticking by quickly" with that he left quickly.

You gritted your teeth, mumbling things under your breathe walking down the corridor to where the room was and which held the king of hell. You had never met the guy but you had heard he was a great dick of course that was Dean's words. You slowly walked to the room, but apparently it wasn't slow enough because you still reached the door quicker then you would have liked.

Begrudgingly you opened the door and walked down to the bookshelf, taking one last deep breath you opened them and walked through. Instantly your eyes met the man sat in the chair, blood on his face you guessed from when the Winchesters visited him. Walking over to him but carefully making sure to stay out of the devil's trap just to make sure he couldn't get you somehow. You sat on the chair across the room, looking at him, he looked unconscious so you got out your phone and tried finding some way of entertaining yourself.

Then you heard a groan and saw that Crowley was awake "good you're awake, I was afraid I would be bored to death" you stood up and walked over to him "so, what do the Winchesters want with you?" he eyed you up and down "I don't believe we have met love. I'm-", "I know who you are Crowley" he smirked at this, his teeth showing with bits of blood on them "who are you darling?", "I'm none of your business. So what do they want from you?", "why so eager to know, sweetheart?", "let's say I'm bored so entertain me", "I could do so much more then that if you release me" you pretended to think for a minute "yeah. Not happening" he sighed "they want to know how to get someone out of their deal" you nodded slightly in understanding "but you aren't playing ball?", "no, like I would tell them that. If I told them then I may as well hand my throne over to them" he gave me a bored expression.

"I would quite like to have your throne. I mean queen has a nice ring to it, I can just see it now. Queen (y/n), I could be the queen of hell" he laughed at this to which you glared "what's so funny?", "a hunter, wants to rule hell? Really?" I just glared at him "I'm not a hunter, I just happen to help the Winchesters with research. I couldn't deal with killing things just to help people not my style" he smirked at this "not a hunter. Hmm, interesting also gorgeous name and queen (y/n) defiantly does have a wondrous ring to it", "hmm, I know but I still am not letting you go. You will have to try so much harder then that" with that he went quiet.

After awhile of quietness you checked your watch "30 minutes left? Seriously" you mumbled under your breath "clock watching love, somewhere you have to be?", "me? no but you have a date with a certain trench coated angel, in about 30 minutes", "oh what fun, do you think he will bring board games?" you laughed quietly to yourself "maybe if you are a good boy he may let you go home early, how does that sound?", "delightful" you smirked and walked over to him "so Crowley, how did a girl like you end up in a place like this?", "I forgot to mention I like the guy to buy me dinner first next thing I know moose and squirrel are chucking me in this chair", "tell you what, when you get released early on good behavior I will buy you dinner" you leaned forward resting your hands on the chair arms "I look forward to it". You don't know what it was but something inside you was shouting out to you to lean just abit closer to him, you bit your lip slightly.

The next thing you know, the chains around Crowley had broken away and he just smirked at you, before you realized what was happening you were kissing him which turned into a full on making out session. You didn't even hear Cas enter the room until you heard his voice "(Y/N!)" he shouted and you slowly moved away from Crowley and turned to face Cas "oh you are early Cas" turning back to Crowley you frowned "guess it's time for the change of guard then" you walked towards the door and went to leave but looked over your shoulder to Crowley "I still owe you dinner, don't leave town" you winked and left.

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