Chapter 1

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We stood there, shocked. He stared at us for awhile, gun still pointed. He lowered it and just told us that we saw nothing and we nodded our heads, just so we could make it out alive. I noticed that he looked a bit familiar to me.

"Wait. Aleana, is that you?"

I stood there in shock. I knew that voice...


He stared at me. I took in his looks, seeing how different he looked now. With black hair, more piercings, and smoking?? He had always hated smoking and especially hated cigarettes, we both did. I guess that's what made us fall for each other in the first place. But he thought it was a stupid habit. Yet, here he was, smoking a blunt, the thing he always tried to stop me from doing. But what was he doing here? In this town? Shooting up places especially. He had moved years ago, after we broke up....

"Hello? Earth to Aleana! Did you even hear a word I said?"

"Huh? Oh, no, sorry...."

"Well, I said it's been awhile, hasn't it? Since you tore my heart out and threw it into the dirt. You know, I've missed you so much. You don't know how crazy I am for you, it kills me."

This is one of the reasons I broke up with him. He was crazy, a psychopath. He always tried being with me, would never leave me alone, so I finally dated him thinking he would calm down a bit. But he didn't, he just got worse. He would constantly be by me at school, never left my side and never let anyone near me. He was so controlling. He would try making me do things he wanted to do and never anything I wanted or was interested in. He would always yell at me or hit me if I even talked to any guy, even family of mine. So when he told me that he was moving soon and that as his girlfriend I would be forced to go with him, I told him that I wasn't going cause I wasn't his girlfriend anymore, and left him. Ever since then I've been worried about seeing him again, knowing he'd want me back.

"I want you back Aleana. I miss you. I'm crazy about you, you drive me insane. I can't do anything without you. Ever since you left, I've tried my hardest coming back to you, knowing you were missing me. My parents always told me to move on, told me to forget about you. They always tried keeping us apart. Not anymore now baby. I killed them, just so I could get to you. And now I've finally found you, after all the things I went through to find you, I finally did. And I will never lose you again."

"I'm not yours Zylan, never have been, and never will be. You made me hate myself, I'm not going with you, you can't make me."

"Oh yes I can. I'm not losing you again baby, we're together forever."

He started heading towards us. I grabbed Alena's arm and we took off running. I heard the car engine start and I started panicking. We could never outrun a car. I quickly grabbed Alena and dragged her to a random house, and started banging on the door. A lady opened it, looking at us with confusion. We both just got into her house and slammed the door.

"Excuse me, but who do you think you are to barge into my house like this. I otta call the police on you two if you don't leave right this-"

"Ma'am, i'm sorry we're barging into your house, but there is a psychopathic shooter out there trying to kill us. Please let us stay here for awhile until he leaves, please call the police."

I looked at her with pleading eyes. She stared at us, not knowing whether she should believe us or not. Then a gunshot went off. We all looked towards the window. We went up to it and peeked out. There he was, standing in the street, yelling my name and shooting in the air. A police car was coming down the street, heading towards him as if they were to hit him. He started shooting towards them, as they shot back. He finally got shot in the leg, and they took him away.

"Now do you believe us?!"

I looked at Alena, shocked that she had even spoke, and even more since she yelled. She was always shy and quiet, never really talking that much. The lady stared at us, and just apologized. We thanked her for letting us hide here and she told us if we were ever in trouble to just come straight here, whether it be through the front door or the backyard. We thanked her again and left. We just walked in dead silence the rest of the way to her house.

"So, that's your crazy ex I'm guessing?"

You would be guessing correct. I haven't seen him in years, and I don't plan to ever again."

We just spent the rest of our time talking about life. I ended up just staying the night at her house, not daring to walk home in the dark. I also didn't want to go home to my father, who was most likely drunk and probably having some slut over. He would always go straight to the bar after work until he was drunk out of his mind and found some chick to bring home. So I always just didn't really go home, not wanting to get into any mess at all. As I started dozing off, I thought about how this whole week might be, and just hoped it would get better.

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