~Chapter 14~

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It was a couple days after the whole Bryce raping me/ Liam kinda asking me out thing and Shannon and I were on the couch on out iPhones.

“NO! FUCKING PIG DIE!” Shannon screamed.

 “Angry birds?” I asked her.

“Yeah...” She mumbled. “The fucking king pig wont die….”

“Are they even pigs? They look like baby hippos…” Shannon shrugged.

I don’t care; I just want them dead…” I laughed and looked back at my iPhone.

“Ugh, this hurts me physically and mentally...” I mumbled. Louis popped up behind me.


“Fan F- I erm nothing.”

“You read that stuff?”

“Maybe” He quirked an eyebrow. “They’re entertaining! But this one just hurts…” I said handing him the phone. He made a face reading it.

LOUIS!’ The girl screamed. ‘I LOVE YOU DON’T LEAVE ME’! A lot has happened in the last hour. ‘I LOVE YOU TOO MY LOVE, LOVE!’ Louis yelled back as he boarded the plane. ‘BUT I MUST GO ON TOUR YOU WILL FOREVER BE IN MY SPINE!’” Louis burst out laughing.

“Were they serious?! I’ve written better! I mean not that I actually have but if I did…” He rambled on.

“Oh really” I laughed. He changed the subject.

“This was just bloody horrible…” He scrolled down. “But wait there’s more….”

He cleared his throat and started again.

In the past hour I met Louis Tomlison.” Louis stopped. “THAT’S NOT HOW YOU SPELL MY NAME!!” He kept reading. “and have had his kid. We are hopelessly in love. I mean, he has ignored me. That’s how love works, right? (This happen to me in real life. Too)” He stopped again.

“Are you hearing this?” He asked me. I was almost in tears from laughing so much, Shannon as well.

“K-Keep reading!” Shannon sputtered out. Niall walked down with Harry right behind him.

“Louis what did you do to them?” Niall asked.

“I was reading this really bad fan fiction about me to them.”

“I WANNA HEAR THIS!” Harry screamed and jumped next to me on the couch. I wince slightly and he apologized. Louis laughed and kept reading as Niall sat next to Shannon, wrapping an arm around her. I raised an eyebrow at them and they just ignored me. I laughed slightly.

Louis P.O.V

I went on the big plane and instantly sat next to Harz. ‘I am so in lerve with her. But I lere yuou mar.’I straddled his lap. I put my hands under his shirt and started roughly kissing him.” Louis stopped reading.

“Okay that’s enough of that… oh shit, OH GOD BURN THIS STORY!” He screamed throwing the phone across the room at me. I was laughing too hard to care that it almost broke. I was leaning against Harry crying into his shirt from laughing to hard. He was laughing but now he just looked grossed out. Niall and Shannon weren’t even listening, they were snogging, again. I crinkled my nose at them.

“Get a room, lovebirds…” They separated and blushed like mad. I chuckled and stood up wiping my eyes.

“I’ll be in my room.” I said going up the stairs. I walked past Liam’s room and heard voices.

“- fucked up so bad.”

“No, it was an honest mistake; anyone could have made the same mistake.”

“Dude, she could be pregnant!”

“Well, yeah but still.”

“It’s kind of a big deal.”

Wait… Liam got someone pregnant?! I thought he liked me… I quickly went into my room closing my door, close to tears.


I hope you liked it my kittens! I know the chapters aren't my BEST quality but yeah... ahaha

have a good day! :3

~Jazzy xxx

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