Chapter 24

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"Yeah, Of course." He stepped aside allowing me to step inside his room. I slowly walked in and sat on the edge of his bed. Harry stood infront of me leaning agianst the dresser with his hands in his pockets.  

I looked at him and opened my mouth to say something but Harry interupted me.

"Okay, before you say anything at all. I just wanna say how sorry I am for what happened between us. I never planned on it ending like that. Trust me, I hated myself after I saw how much it hurt you. And How much it upset Niall... I had no idea he liked you that much." He glanced away from me for a second and continued talking. His voice had saddness in it.

"But when I saw you, with Dylan on top of you. I just wanted to kill him. All i wanted was to get you out of there, to keep you safe." He looked like he was going to cry now. "I do care about you. I really do. It killed me to see you like that in hospital today, crying with your makeup running down your face. I just wanted to hug you and make it all go away. But you have Niall."

I was shocked. It didnt even seem like this was Harry talking to me right now. He had tears in his eyes and was watching me, watching my reaction. I couldnt even say anything, I didntknow what to say. I was speechless.

"I just want you to know, that I never meant for you to hate me. I never meant to hurt you like that. And that I do care about you. Your like a little sister to all of us. And we love you, and Niall and the rest of us will make sure that thing never comes near you girls again."

"Wow, I dont even know what I should say to you right now. I never hated you Harry, well maybe for a split second, but I could never hate you. Especially after what just happened. You pulled him off of me, and I want to thank you for that. Your all brothers to me, I love all of you. " I had stood up and wrapped Harry in a big hug.

We stood there for a while just hugging. Both of us on the edge of crying. Harry pulled back from our hug and kissd my forehead.

"Were going to protect you. No what what."

I couldnt help but smile. Knowing that these boys really do care for me. I have the best friends in the world.

"Thanks for this talk Harry, I think we really needed this." He smiled down at me.

" Alright, now lets get you back to Niall. "

We walked together back to Nialls flat, with harrys arm around me and him watching everything around us. The thought of them protecting me was crazy, But I guess I needed it.

We reached Niall's flat and I thanked Harry for walking me. He gave me a quick hug and walked off. I opened the front door and was met by Niall waiting right in front of me.

"Hey princess." He wrapped me in a tight hug and kissed my lips gently. I couldnt help but melt into his arms when he did that. He smiled at the effect he had on me.

"Lets go relax, it's really early." He led me to the couch and we sat closely together and my head was placed on his chest and his arms around my waist. He pulled me onto his lap and he held me tighter.

We stayed like that for awhile until we fell asleep all cuddled together.

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