Chapter 14

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Heathers Point of View 

Louis led me to his car, he opened the door for me to get in. I Stepped in and buckled my seat belt while he got in the drivers seat. He was is just to sweet!

"Okay, sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to put this on. Please?" He said to me while handing me a blindfold, he smiled apologetically at me while I looked over at him.

"Its okay, I don't mind." I smiled over at him. I like surprises anyway so I was completely okay with it. He put the blindfold over my eyes and tied it. After he made sure I couldn't see, he started driving.

I was left to my thoughts in my head since I couldn't see. I couldn't help but think how adorable and sweet Lou is. I wonder where he was taking us. Wherever it was, I'm sure its gonna be perfect.

Soon the car came to a stop, and I figured we had arrived to the place we were going. Louis got out of the car and i couldn't hear him anymore. I was alone for a couple minutes before he came back.

" Alright, come on lets go." He told me as he opened the car door for me to get out. I giggled and unbuckled my seat belt, I turned so my legs were outside the car, but I was still in the car.

"Um, Lou, I cant see." I laughed a little as I tried to stand up. I heard him laugh to himself some where around me. Probably either realizing that I couldn't walk, or that it was funny seeing me try to stand up. Maybe both.

"Oh right, sorry!" He took my hand and led me to somewhere. After we walked for a little while, we came to a stop. He stood behind me and put his hands on the blindfold. Ready to take it off for me, I was ready to take it off also to be honest.

"Ready?" He whispered, I just simply nodded my head and waited for him to take the blindfold. He pulled it off slowly, and it was taking forever. He was so doing it on purpose, to bug me.

He finally pulled it all the way off my head and I could see again. Once my eyes adjusted and I couldn't believe what I was I was seeing. I was completely awestruck. This was just so perfect.

Louis had brought me to a little park, which was cute anyways. But there was lights hanging everywhere. In the trees, the swings, the monkey bars. It was so pretty.

I turned to him, and smiled at him. He looked relived, and he smiled back at me. I ran over and hugged him and giggled.

"This is perfect Lou!" I whispered while hugging him. He tightened his grip and I could almost feel him smiling. I don't know why he would have thought that I wouldn't have liked it. I mean its perfect, absolutely perfect.

"I'm glad you like it Heather." He pulled back from the hug and smiled slightly at me. I smirked at him and poked his cheek.

"TAG!" I yelled and ran off further into the park, with Louis not far behind me.

Reece's Point of view 

We walked to where we were going, we had only just started walking just a minute ago. Niall said that it wasn't to far away from the flat. Me and Niall were just talking and messing around while we were walking.

I started hearing music, but i just shrugged it off. I figured it was just a passing car, or a house that was playing music or having a party. But as we kept walking the music got louder and louder. I wonder what it is..

Niall stopped walking suddenly and looked over at me and smiled slightly. I smiled back and looked up, well now I know where the music was coming from! We were standing in front of the fair.

We walked in and Niall paid for both of our tickets. Even though I said I would pay for my own ticket, but he insisted. I finally just let him pay, I mean he was gonna do it anyway so there was no point in trying to pay for mine.

Niall and I walked around the fair hand in hand, looking at everything. We stopped and rode some rides and played some games too. I was having a great time, I have always loved the fair. But being here with Niall, made it even more amazing.

Soon, Niall walked off and left me standing where we were. I looked around trying to see if I could find him. But I couldn't see him. I just sat on a near by bench to wait for him to come back. I spotted him after a couple minutes, he was walking towards the bench. He had something in his hands but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

He came and sat down next to me and put whatever was in his hands behind his back. So I couldn't see it, he smiled widely at me.

"Close your eyes." He said to me. I slowly closed my eyes, and waited for him to do what he was going to do. I felt him place something in my hands. I opened my eyes fast and looked down to see what it was.  it was a stuffed penguin! He must have won it from a game, well that would explain where he went.

"Its adorable Niall!" I smiled and gave him a hug quickly.

"Yeah, It made me think of you." He looked into my eyes and grabbed my hands. He pulled me up to my feet and walked backwards and pulled me along with him.

"Come on lets go on the Ferris wheel!" He turned around and pulled me along with him. I giggled at him and how he was acting. This was a really fun day so far.

Once we got in line we were in line, it didn't take us long to get to the front. We climbed into our seats, and waited for the ride to start up.

The ride started up and I looked over the side of the seat to get a look of the view. When our seat got to the top, the ride stopped. You could see everything from up there, the sun was setting and all the ride lights were on. It was amazing.

"Reece, since the second you walked through the door with Harry that one day, I knew there was something special about you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Niall asked me. He looked nervous, like he thought that I was gonna say no. Why on earth would I say no?! I smiled and turned to him.

"Niall of course ill be your girlfriend."

He smiled and hugged me. The ride started to move again, he pulled back from the hug but kept his arm around my shoulders the rest of the night.

Even on the walk home he had his arm around me and my head was on his shoulder as we walked. This was officially the best night ever. I was Niall's girlfriend and I was so glad he asked.

Heather's Point of View

We messed around and chased each other around. After a little while we got tired and stopped to rest on the swings. I swayed slowly back in forth in a relaxing way admiring the park. This park was just beautiful, the lights were so pretty. I cant believe Lou did all of this.

I looked over at Louis, he was smiling, but not looking at anything. He looked like he was zoned out and staring into space. He was probably just thinking about something. I wanna know what it is, but I'm not gonna ask. Its not really my business.

A couple of minutes went by, and he snapped out of his trance and turned to me. His mouth opened a Little like he was going to say something, but he didn't.

I turned to face him, he took a deep breath. Then he started to speak.

"Heather, I really like you, actually I liked you before you came over. Just by what Reece told me I knew that you were going to be the one for me. I had a great time tonight. So will you be my girlfriend?" I was shocked. That was really Sweet and heartwarming. I was not expecting him to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"A Million times yes!" I said and he ran over and hugged me. Once he let go, he pushed me on the swing. I was Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend. This was gonna be hard, but its definitely worth it.

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