Chapter 16

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Today we were going to go shopping, which us girls were really happy about. But its gonna be really different then before, considering we shopping with One Direction. So now we had to be careful, so we wouldnt get mobbed by fans. 

Mine and Niall's relationship hasn't gone public yet, neither had Heather and Louis'. So when we were out today, we couldn't really be near each other, hold hands or hug. Its going to be hard, but we have to do it if we want to keep our relationship Private for a little while longer. because if someone saw us,, and took a picture, it would be all over Twitter and Facebook with in seconds.

Jenna was over excited for shopping today, she needed to find a dress. For what you may ask? Zayn asked her out yesterday! she insisted on buying a new dress, instead of using one of her many dresses she already owns. My and Heather both agreed to help her pick out the most perfect dress.

Us girls were still upstairs getting ready to go, the boys were ready about 10 minutes ago.  

"Girls! You ready?" Zayn yelled from downstairs. His voice made all of girls jump, he can be really loud sometimes. We walked out into the hall and grabbed our purses.

"YES!" we shouted back as we walked down the stairs. Im really shocked that I haven't fell down these stairs yet. That's like an everyday thing for me back at my house, or anywhere actually.

"Right let's go." Liam said, he opened the door for everyone and made sure the door was locked before we left. We decided on taking the van, that way everyone would fit and we wouldn't have to take 2 cars.

Lou was driving and Harry in the passenger seat, which made those two in control of the radio. Someone help us! Niall was next to the window, I sat beside Niall and Liam was on the other side of me. Zayn, Jenna and Heather were behind us, in the back.

Harry was flipping through the radio stations, he would stay on one for a second then change it again. It was constant channel changing and changing.

"For gods sake Harry just choose one!" Liam said throwing his head back. Harry smirked and presses the button one more time. The beginning beats of Swagger Jagger by Cher Lloyd started playing.

"Harold if you touch that button I will cut off all of your hair." I said seriously. Everybody knew I loved this song, I have been non stop singing it for the past 2 days.

Me, Jenna and Heather started singing along to the radio. This was us girls favorite part of the song.

"Swagger Jagger, Swagger Jagger,  

You should get some of your own. 

Count that money  

Get your game on, 

Get Your Game on...."

Everybody else joined in on the next part, all of us sang the rest of the song together. We also did some crazy sit- dance moves, including pat the dog and screw the light bulb. Which was interesting to do while sitting..

We sang along to a couple more songs, until Louis turned off the radio in the middle of Whistle by Flo Rida. We all looked at him like he had killed somebody.

"AWW BOO BEAR YOU CUT ME OFF! I WAS JAMMING OUT!" Harry pouted at Louis. We all burst into laughter, My sides were starting to hurt permanently from staying with these guys.

"Sorry," Lou chuckled. "but we are here." Several cheers came from everybody's mouths. I waited for Niall to get out, so I could get out too. Me and Heather walked with Jenna to the dress store she goes to get all of her dresses.

We each went to a different rack and started looking for a dress for her. We picked out about 5 dresses, we shoved them and Jenna into a dressing room and waited outside for her.

Every time she would put a dress she would come out and show us. None of the ones she tried on were right for her. They were pretty but they just weren't her...

She told us there was one more dress left, and went back inside the dressing room. I could tell she was getting disappointed that she hadn't found a dress yet. But there was still one dress left, it could be the right one.

Jenna stepped out of the dressing room with a big smile on her face, she liked this one. So did I, I mean she looked perfect in it. The dress was blue, with black lace covering the bottom half. it was gorgeous, and she looked gorgeous in it.

"Jenna, you look stunning." Heather said to her.

"Yeah, This is definitely the dress. " I agreed.

"Thank you guys." We all hugged each other and bought the dress. We walked out of the store and met up with the guys at the food court.

"Well, we got everything, You guys ready to go?" Louis said while he looked through his shopping bags. He had alot of bags, he must have been carrying everybodys.

"Yeah, I think we got everything." Jenna said while her and Zayn smiled at each other. They are just so adorable when they are together.

"Alright, Let's got then." Liam said as we walked towards the car. The car ride home was just as musical as the ride their. Harry even got to finish the song Whistle.

Once we pulled into the drive way, I climbed over Niall and got out of the car, Jenna and Heather climbed over the seat and Niall. Us girls ran inside and up the stairs to get Jenna ready.

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