Chapter 22

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Everybody looked around at each other and I looked around and everyones faces. They looked more worried than they were when I first woke up. Jenna broke down in tears, Zayn wrapped her in a hug to comfort her.

Heather looked like she was close to tears, and everyone else was just staring at me. Did I do something wrong? Whats going on?

Niall and Liam exchanged glances before Liam starting speaking.

"Reece, what's the last thing you remember doing?" He sat down in the other chair next to my bed.

"Getting Jenna ready for her date. Why what else happened?" I looked around confused.

Liam sighed. He looked over at Niall and Niall shook his head. Hopefully Liam knew what he meant because i honestly had no idea what's going on right now.

"I'll say it guys." Heather said. She slowly got up and sat infron of me in my bed.

"After Jenna and Zayn left for their date, we all went to Liam's room to hang out. You came up a couple minutes later and said you were going for a walk. You were kinda acting strange, like there was somethign bothering you? I dont know. Niall was gonna go with you but you said no. You were probably only gone for 5 minutes and we heard you scream..." She stopped and wiped a few tears from her eyes. I grabbed her hand to encourage her to finish.

"Of course we all ran out to help you. But I don't think any of us thought we were gonna see what we saw. It was Dylan, he had you pinned to the ground and when he started to try to take your pants of the boys ran over. "

"Harry pulled him off of you and stayed with you. We took care fo Dylan, it took a couple hits to the face but he got him under control. " Liam said.

"We were so worried. Heather had sent us both texts saying you were in trouble. We rushed home from our date to get to you. " Zayn said still hugging Jenna.

"You had passed out and Heather and Jenna helped me carry you inside. They stayed with you until the ambulance and police came." Harry said.

"You were so pale, and so cold. You were barely breathing when I came inside." Niall spoke for the first time since I woke up.

I just sat there. I was so shocked. Why do I not remember this? I remember bits and peices of it now that they told me. I remember telling Niall not to come with me, I remember seeing Harry before I apparently passed out. I remeber the text too. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Im so sorry guys. I didnt mean to ruin your date Jenna, I know how excited you were for it. And I should have let you come with me Niall. I shouldn't have gone for a walk alone in the dark. If I would have told you what really happened mayeb this wouldnt have happened..."

Jenna and Heather both looked at me realizing i meant what happened in the bathroom while Jenna was getting ready. We should have said something.

"What are you talking about? What really happened?" Louis asked. He had a look of confusion and so did the rest of the boys.

"Remember when we were getting Jenna ready and I said I dropped the curling iron? Well I really did i wasn't lying about that, but Dylan had texted Jenna. Thats why i dropped the Curling iron."

"This is all my fault, Reece wanted to tell you guys. But I said it would be fine. It obviously isn't fine now!" She buried her face in her hands.

" No, Jenna this isn't your fault at all. Dylan texted me too. Right before I went on my walk. I should have known something was going to happen.."

"Girls, None of this is any of your faults. It would have happened either way. But there is just one thing that gets me..." Liam said trailing off at the end.

"What is it mate? " Zayn asked.

"How did he find us?"

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