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"Tobin" Alex yelled

"What?" She responded

"We have to start making Easter dinner! You know it's tomorrow right? Both our families are coming. It has to be great!!!"
Alex answered

"Well baby we should probably get the food we need first." Tobin smirked

Alex just glared at her

They got to the supermarket and started piling the food into the cart.

Tobin walked towards the cart with arms full of junk food.
"Really Tobin, how old are you?" Alex asked as she looked at all the junk food

"What!!? My family likes this stuff, not me!" Tobin tried

"Ya ok Tobs" Alex said with a smile

"Hey! Your Tobin Heath right?"
A gorgeous women asked who was checking out the girls.
"Hah ya! And this is Alex Morgan!" Tobin said

"Oh cool." She said not even looking at Alex

"So Tobin, I've seen you in games but you're even cuter in person. I'm Sophia. It's great to meet you" she finished holding her hand out for Tobin

Alex was standing there quite amused, knowing that she has nothing to worry about. So instead she decided to have some fun.

"Tobs look at this magazine!" She said pointing to a wedding planner magazine. "We can use this for some wedding ideas"

"Oh! You're getting married? They must be a very lucky person!" Sophia said with a red face

"Ya, they're the luckiest person in the world! Wanna see the ring?" Alex asked

"Sure, why not?" Sophia said

Alex stuck out her hand and showed the ring. Now Sophia's face was the color of a tomato. She said it was beautiful and finished ringing them up as soon as possible.

"That was just cruel miss Morgan" Tobin said as they got in the car

"Ya well it's hard going around with you. Your hot and everyone thinks they can get with you. I'm gonna have to start making you wear a shirt that says I'm taken." Alex responded

"Well I already marked you as mine with that ring" Tobin answered  

Alex held out her hand and Tobin gladly took it. They drove home in silence.

"Tobin! Why do you have to take every bag by yourself?"

"I can't let my princess carry any bags!" Tobin responded

Alex rolled her eyes and kissed Tobin after she placed the bags down

"thank you baby. Now let's start cooking!"

They cooked their Easter meal and decided to order dinner for the night.

As Alex was ordering their food, Tobin wrapped her arms around her waist from behind and just rested her head on Alex's shoulder.

"What's up baby?" Alex asked as she turned around still in Tobin's  embrace

"Nothing, I just love being near you." Tobin replied

"Mm me too baby. I love you so much" Alex stated

"I love you too. I kinda wish it was just us tomorrow. I love your family but my family just ruins it whenever we're together. You know how they feel about us being together." Tobin pouted

"Baby I know that it's hard. I'm sorry I did this." Alex said

"Al never say that. It's not your fault they are close minded. And I chose to be with you. And it's the best decision ever and you truly are the best part of my life. I'm just worried about telling them we're getting married. Did you tell you're family already? I know Perry, Katie, and Jeff will be happy but my parents will hate us even more."

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