Hey Fate, what cha' doing down there?

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Fate's PV

Waking up and feeling a soft feeling against my face...I see brown...I wiggle out of her grasp... Lindy crossed her leg over the other, and glares at me "H-Hey Lindy" she points at the door, we leave the room "Fate tell me what's the matter?" with concern present in her voice she repeats the question "Fate please...tell me why you haven't been able to sleep" I gulp and take a step back she steps closer I mutter "I can't..." she gives a sigh of defeat. "Fine let's go home..." walking to the car I hesitate but open the door anyway. A car drive later and we're back home the moment I step out of the car a huge red wolf comes running towards me and pounces on me "ARF!" I yell with joy while she licks my face "Stop that it tickles!" she finally gets off. We walk and immediately I change into yellow pajamas with black paw prints on them...untying my end pony tail I plop on my bed and pass out immediately.

Lindy's PV

going up stairs with a tray with tea on it, I see a weirdly positioned asleep Fate and a sleeping Arf on the floor. I pick her legs up and place them onto the bed , tucking her in I wake Arf up "go join her" I whisper to her and in her half asleep state she gets on the bed her back to Fate and Fate hugs onto Arf like a huggy pillow...Silently turning off the lights I tip-toe out of the room and shut the door.

Nanoha's PV

waking up I notice Fate is gone...searching around I see Shamal-sensei "She went home" "Oh...." somehow I feel slightly devastated... "Nanoha-chan....may I ask a favor from you?"I tilt my head "sure" "I want you to get Fate to smile....a genuine smile" I sigh and give a nod "OK" "but I don't know how much affect I will have I hardly know her, besides her full name is Fate T. Harlaown and she plays with girl's hearts" I get a frown in response "I can say I agree but I can't say you won't have an affect on her" my mom, Momoko, barges in "Nanoha! What happened? Are you alright?" "she's fine" Shamal answers and immediately a sigh of relief is heard from my mother "Let's go home Nanoha" I get up and we go to her car.

Fate's PV

waking up at around two in the morning the same damn nightmare haunts me....about me and...Alicia... I shake it off. Arf looks at me tiredly as if saying "Fate it's OK just go back to sleep" I sigh and rub Arf's head I tell her "in a bit" getting up and opening my bedroom window I hop out...Landing with no trouble I decide to go for a walk....I see a rape scene about to happen...Instantly I step in round house kicking the drunkard the girl runs I just sigh... continuing with my walk I stumble to Hayate's house I throw pebbles at her window, a tired looking Hayate answers with throwing down a rope...who keeps a spare rope lying around? I climb up and a glare greets me "Fate I want you to give up on Nanoha-chan."

Hayate's PV

A surprised look spreads across her face "wha-?" I repeat in a more serious tone "I want you to leave Nanoha-chan alone" her reply "No." "Fate I'll give you another chance" "No." out of rage I push her she stumbles back "Fa-!" she falls out of the window and a thud could be heard...we're on the third floor...and I pushed Fate...Fear spreads across my face "FATE!" I yell down... she must be knocked out cold... I take the rope down the sight was a sight I never wished to see...Fate was clinging onto her arm her head was bleeding and her breathing was shaky...but what was the worst the blood....there was so much my knees went shaky and out of fear I grabbed my phone name dialed Lindy's number "Hello?"

Lindy's PV

A call at what? I look at my clock 2:45AM...This better not be a prank call I answer and immediately I hear shaky breathing "Hello?" "L-L-LINDY!" This sounds like...."Hayate? why're you calling so late?" "F-F-FATE-" I interrupt "What about Fate?" "SHE FELL!" I hear sobbing "from where?" "my third s-story window" I drop the phone...I hope she was lying I run up the stairs to Fate's room I burst open the door "FATE!" Arf wakes up immediately and hops off the bed...not here... Getting on some outdoor cloths I make a dash to the car Arf hops in we dart off I get a call "are you Lindy Harlaown?" my blood runs cold "Y-yes" "Your daughter is in the hospital" "she was hurt very badly" I turn the car and head to the hospital.


I tell Arf to sit in the car I dash inside "Fate!" a man walks up to me "come with me " we sit in the waiting room along with Hayate who was crying and saying stuff like "it was my fault" with Signum comforting her "let me tell you what she has" "Her arm is broken along with her side being impaled by a stick" "she's in surgery with a high chance of coming out a live she's a fighter she should come out"


Nanoha's PV

walking to school I see Hayate "Hey Hayate!" I wave at her... she doesn't turn around and keeps walking I guess she didn't hear me I dash to her "Hey Hayate what's wrong?" she turns to me eyes red and bags under her eyes I decide to ask"where's Fate?" her head turns to the ground beings covering her eyes things feel in slow motion..."In the hospital" my blood runs cold "I did it..." "wha-?" "Nanoha...please promise you won't tell anyone" I nod "we can talk later"

During Class

Hayate gets sent to the nurses and I decide to fake sickness as well going with her we see Samal isn't there we sit on a bed "Nanoha...pet me explain..." "I told her some things and...I got angry and in my rage I pushed her out the window and since my room is in the third floor she fell a stick happened to be there she was....impaled along with her arm breaking..." the words coming out of her mouth hit me like a sack of bricks "they think she just fell..." "but...but I pushed her" she starts crying "hey...Hayate after school we can see Fate and if she's awake we can apologies to her..."


In the waiting room I see a tired Lindy.... "Lindy, are you OK?" "huh? Oh I'm fine..." "How's Fate!?" Hayate asks "She's...asleep...I don't think you want to see her in this cond-" I interrupt "I do." she sighs and opens the door for us I walk in Lindy stopping Hayate for a reason unknown to me...What I saw was something I really can't decide whether or not it's cute or heart breaking...Fate unconscious her broken arm to the side of her...I hear groaning from her I unconsciously hold her good hand and give a light squeeze her eyes opening lazily "N-Nanoha?"..."What happened...?" I answer with "you fell...try not to move mu-" instantly interrupted with her getting up "HAYATE!" She yells out angrily

Fate's PV

I wake up to see Nanoha holding on my memories in whack "N-Nanoha?" "What happened...?" she replies "you fell...try not to move mu-" my memories of last night become clear I fell my side with my broken arm...damn it ALL! "HAYATE!" I yell out in projecting all my anger getting up I feel the hole open.."ARGH!" I hold my side as it starts to bleed out "HAYATE!" I yell out again Hayate opening the door "F-Fate! Wait no don't move!" I feel the blood drip to the floor "Fate calm down" I hear Nanoha reason...I grab Hayate's shoulder leaving a blood hand print I stare her straight in the eyes "I won't give up on her...Nothing you say will EVER get me to stop going after her" "Fate I know you're hurt but I won't let you go afte-" I push her down "OW!" "I remember what happened last night" she goes pale "This would've been a repeat...we just need to be three stories and a window" at this point Nanoha's trying to pull me back to bed "hey Hayate....I forgive you" "Fate!" I hear Nanoha and my mom's attempts to get me back to bed "Hayate don't let this bring you down after all...all is fair in love and war..." with that I fall over bleeding out.

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