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I could feel the boys' excitement as we went to the green room to get ready for the interview. It was weird to be back here with them, considering I haven't done this in a year. "Harry, you're first. Let's go." As soon as I said that, both Louis and Harry pouted and I had to suppress a giggle. They both looked so childish. "What are those looks for?" "I'm always first," said Louis, pout still evident on his lips. "Yeah, and I'm always last." Harry said with a twinkle in his eye. 

"Well, I'm changing things up today, Harry's first. You can be second, Lou." Harry pouted more then reluctantly stood up. Louis just shrugged and went back to playing on his phone. The reason Harry was always last was so we could have some alone time before interviews without anyone questioning it. Now that we're not together, there's no point in that. But since he still hasn't grasped the fact that I've moved on, I decided to eliminate the possibility of him trying something. I walked in behind him to make sure he didn't shut and lock the door like he had the habit of doing when we were alone in a room.  I left the door open so he had no chance to try anything at all. 

"Sit down, Curly." He sat down and glanced at the door. "Can you-" He started to say, but I interrupted him. "No way in hell. That door stays open, Styles." He frowned but I ignored it and started to work on his hair. "Aren't you glad you get to run your fingers through my hair again? I know I've missed the feeling." He said, grinning cheekily. "According to gossip websites and magazines, you have had no problem finding girls to run their hands through your hair." I met his eyes in the mirror and he looked serious. "I was just trying to get over you since I had no fucking clue where you were." My hands stilled while we kept eye contact. "Well, did it work?" He chuckled. "No, not at all. I tried everything to get over you and I couldn't do it. We can make it work, Felly." I stayed silent, just holding his gaze. 

Just as I was about to say something, Niall poked his head in. "Who's next, Felly? Louis swears it's him, but I'm always second." I looked over at Niall. "I told Louis he could be next. Just give me a few more seconds to finish up with Harry." He nodded and left. I looked at Harry again. "We can't make it work, Harry. You really need to move on. We're not right for each other. You're done. Send Louis in."



I normally didn't mind interviews, but today I couldn't focus. I was pissed at Niall for his timing because I thought I was getting through to Felly, finally. And I also didn't want to have to talk about Taylor today. I really hoped the interviewer wouldn't pick on me today and I mentally groaned when he turned to me with that grin that meant he had a very interesting story to share with everyone. "So Harry, most interviewers have been asking you about your relationship with this young lady." As expected, he showed everyone a picture of Taylor Swift. I nodded, about to agree with whatever he was going to ask, but then he shocked me. "Well, I don't want to talk about Taylor. I want to talk about her." And up came a picture of Felly. "An inside source told me that you two had a thing going on a couple years ago." I just stared at the picture, not sure of what to say. "Erm, yeah, we dated a couple years ago." "And why did you two break up? Could she not handle the curls?" I heard the lads chuckle nervously beside me. "Um, she moved to America and we just kind of lost contact is all." "And would you like another chance with her?" I glanced over at Liam who gave me a warning look, but I ignored him. "I mean, if things don't work out with Taylor, yeah." 

The interviewer looked at me, surprised. "So, you boys didn't know?" "Didn't know what?" I asked, nervous to hear the answer. "Well, that she's engaged of course." He flashed up a picture of Felly and Conor Maynard and sure enough, there was an engagement ring on her finger. I stared at the picture, so many thoughts and emotions were going through my mind and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt someone tugging on my arm and I let them pull me up. The interview must be over, but I couldn't even think. I needed to talk to Felly and get her to explain. 



I stared at the television with my mouth hanging open. Shit. They're going to hate me now for not telling them about that. I heard the door bang open and I turned around to see all five boys staring at me with varying degress of hurt written on their faces, Harry's being the worst. "Great interview guys." No response. I just bit my lip and watched them all, waiting for them to say something and break the awkward silence. "Why didn't you tell us?" He said it so quietly I almost didn't hear him. I met his gaze and saw so much hurt and betrayal in his eyes that I had to look away. "I'm really sorry, I just didn't know how to tell you or when the appropriate time would be." Paul cleared his throat. "We should probably head back to the hotel now." I gathered up my stuff quickly and loaded it into the van. I climbed in the front seat so I wouldn't have to look at any of the boys' hurt expressions.

I got out of the van and immediately got pulled into an embrace then felt soft lips on mine. I smiled. "What are you doing here, Conor?" He wrapped his arm around my waist and took my bag from me. "I have a break so I decided to spend it with my beautiful fiancee." He kissed my temple before waving to the boys. "My stuff's already in your room." I smiled at him. "That was sweet of you." "You want to help me unpack?" "Yeah, I could do that. See you later, boys." I tried to ignore Harry's hurt expression and sad attempt at a smile as I walked up to my room with Conor. This was going to be a very long tour.

Caught In The Crossfires (Sequel to Styling Styles)Where stories live. Discover now