Chapter One

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Riley's POV:

I wiped my hands on my apron, ridding them of the water from the sink, and turned around to grab a trey full of food. I exited the kitchen and walked through the dining area, and came to a table with a young couple sitting at it. The two teens, probably no more that fifteen and sixteen, sat chatting with each other happily. I turned to place the dinners in front of them, and watched the girl look away from him with a slight blush on her cheeks. She thanked me as I refilled her glass of water and I smiled in return, before placing the boy's dinner in front of him, collecting the now empty trey, and returning to the kitchen.

I liked seeing happy couples, it reminded me of when my parents were together. I especially liked seeing young couples. It was sweet to see two people so in love at a young age, and knowing that there was a good chance that in fifty years from now, they could be happily married, with grandchildren crawling around on their laps.

I was such a romantic.

I looked out to where a group was being seated, and took my notepad and pen, then aproached the table. Four boys took their places and began the typical chit-chat that was all over the restaurant. I gave them a big smile and looked at them each. There was something familiar about them, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I pushed the thought aside and began my introduction that I could recite in my sleep.

"Hi, Y'all, welcome to Joel's Burgers! My name's Riley, and I'll be taking care of you tonight. Can I start you all off with a drink?" I asked while handing out menus. They smiled at me, and one with curly, sandy brown hair spoke.

"Water, please." His Australian accent seemed familiar as well, but I just nodded and wrote it down quickly, then looked to the blonde next to him.

"I'll have a tea." He replied in and Australian accent as well, flashing his blue eyes at me and I couldn't help but smile at them. I wrote that down and looked at the tall, dark haired boy with tan skin on the other side of the table.

"Lemonade." He said, his accent matching the other two's. Writing it quickly down, I turned to the last boy. I hadn't gotten a good look at him at first, but now that I was facing him, I was taken aback by his bloodred dyed hair sticking out from underneath his backward hat. Pale skin, green eyes, and a smile as he spoke in, you guessed it, and Australian accent that was, you guessed it again, familiar.

"I'd like a water." I nodded, and tore my eyes away from his crazy hair, before writing down his order and looking back to them.

"I'll be back in just a moment with your drinks."

I scurried into the kitchen and put the order in for their drinks, which came out a few minutes later, and I quickly grabbed them up on a trey, and left the kitchen again. It was killing me that I couldn't figure out why I felt like I knew the boys. I didn't get the feeling often, but when I did, I was seldom wrong.

I was back out at their table, and placing their drinks in front of them. I then pulled my pad and pen back out, and stood back. "Are we ready to order?" I asked, and got four nodding heads in return. I smiled and looked at Sandy hair guy again. He ordered his burger, and I turned again to Blondie, who ordered, and so on.

When I got to Red hair, he smiled, and ordered. I wrote down what he wanted, and was about to turn around, when I heard him say, "I like you hair, by the way." My hand went up to my ponytail, where I kept my long, almost waist length brown hair gathered up. I'd almost forgotten about the dark blue-green tips in it. I smiled and looked at him, then at his drink on the table, muttering a small 'thanks'. He chuckled, and I wondered why, until Blondie laughed too, and said,

"Way to go Mike, you made her blush." And of course, this probably caused me to turn even darker red, before I turned and swiftly walked away to another table, to take orders for another older couple, then returning to the kitchen to put the orders in.

About fifteen minutes later, the orders came out, and I grabbed the trey up quickly, somewhat eager to get back to the boys' table. I had found enough guts to finally ask where I might know them from, and if I sat around too long thinking about it, I would chicken out. I was shy when it came to talking to strangers about more than what they wanted to eat.

I left the kitchen and aproached their table, but was shocked when I saw a crowd of about twenty or more girls, probably ranging from ages eleven to twenty, hanging around them and taking photos, videos, throwing things at them to sign. I was confused as I tried to push my way through without to dropping their food. I looked at one girl, probably about fourteen, and asked what was going on.

"Didn't you know?" She asked. "Five Seconds Of Summer is at that table!" She jumped up and down and pointed to the boys. My jaw dropped. That's why they were so familiar. I had been waiting on one of the most famous punk bands in the world.


Author's Note >


This is my very first shot at a fanfiction. I know it's probably crap right now, but I hope to get a little bit better as I go. Just let me know what you think, and happy reading! ♡

Ri ~

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