Chapter Nineteen

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Author's Note >
The song where he's singing "smile" and Michael is smiling and talking and laughing, omg. Seriously, I was having a crap depressing day until I saw that video and I feel much better now. He never fails to make me happy when I'm sad. :) ♡♡♡
Ri ~

Ashton's POV:

I was currently sitting on my sofa eating cheetos, watching tv with my family and texting Lisa, when my phone rang loudly next to me. I picked it up and checked the caller ID, and saw Michael's face pop up on the screen. I rolled my eyes and answered.


"Mate, thanks god you answered. Dude, I screwed up big time, well, I didn't, Ashley did for me, but Riley took off and I can't find her now. I need help!" It came out in a rush and I couldn't pick up on it very well.

"Woah, woah, slow down Michael. Did you say Riley's missing?"

"Yeah, she is. I can't find her anywhere. I need your help, Calum and Luke are already on their way."

"I'm on my way. Where are you?"

"I'm at my place right now. I've already been all over Sydney looking for her. Mate, I'm so worried about her." There was a crack in his voice, and I knew he was on the verge of tears.

"Alright. I'll be there in five."

"Thanks mate."

I told my family that I was going to help Michael with an emergency, and that I'd be home later, before taking my keys and running out to my car. I pulled out of the driveway and sped down the streets, headed toward Michael's place. The rain poured down in sheets, making it hard to see as I drove, but I managed. I could only imagine what a hard time Riley must have been having, being alone out in the rain.

I pulled into the drive at the exact same time as Calum, and we both parked and jumped out of our cars. Luke's car was already there. "What all do you know?" He asked me as we ran up the steps and to the front door.

"Just that Riley's been missing for a while. Mike said something about Ashley, but I couldn't quite catch it." Calum nodded, and said nothing else, so I assumed that that was all he knew as well.

We busted through the front door, and ran to the kitchen where Luke sat at the bar, drumming his fingers, and Michael stood with his face in his hands. Michael looked up at us and sighed.

"Thank you guys so much for coming. I've been all over town, and I don't know what to do." He seemed to be in full panic mode. I patted his shoulder.

"Calm down, mate. I'm sure she's alright. The best thing we can do is split up, and drive around." I said, and the others agreed. "Everyone, keep your phones on and the volumes up. Take blankets with you, because wherever she is, she's wet and probably cold. I'll go north, on the outside of Sydney, Cal, you take the south highway. Michael and Luke, you guys stay in the city. I don't care where you've already looked, Michael, look again. If you find her, call or text the rest of us immediately, got it?" They all nodded. "Good. Let's go." I said, and we all ran around Michael's house for a minute, gathering blankets and towels, and even a little food. Karen was fretting, but I told her to stay put just in case Riley showed back up there. Once we were all ready to go, we started our cars and buckled up. Before we pulled out of the drive, I sent a group text to the other three.

To - Michael, Calum, Luke: Good luck guys.

We pulled out and all went our separate ways.


After driving for probably two hours in the pouring rain, and having to stop for gas and no call or text from any of the others, the sky started to turn dark. I mentally cursed and prayed that Riley wouldn't be out overnight. I shut the gas cap on my car and paid for the gas, then got back in and started driving. I'd already been down nearly every street I knew of out there. There were a few that I hadn't looked, but they were miles away. I shook my head, and figured I'd give them a look anyway before dark fell.

It was thirty minutes later, and darkness had fallen, I'd already checked out three streets that I thought were way too far out for Riley to have even reached. I was about to give up out out here and go back towards town, when a figure hunched over under an old, dim streetlamp caught my attention. I flipped on my bright lights and drove toward it, until I realised that it was in fact a person, a girl leaned up against the post. No doubt, it was her.

I parked my car a little ways away from her and grabbed a blanket, before jumping out and dashing over to her. She was half asleep as I called her name, and wrapped her in the blanket, then lifted her up and carried her to my car. I put her in the passenger seat, and buckled her in, then wrapped another blanket around her shivering body and got in the driver's seat. I started to drive away, and she totally fell asleep, as I dialed Michael's number and listened to the phone ringing.

After about six rings, it went to voice mail and I cursed Michael as I hit the end button and went to text. I hit the group text and sent out three words.

To - Michael, Calum, Luke: I found her.

I'm Not Fine At All  》Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now