New School

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"We are almost there sweetie" my mom said in a enthusiastic voice 

"Great I'm so excited" but really I'm not I just want to go back to my old school and hang out with my old friends but i cant do that anymore I am being forced to live in a completely  different city on the opposite side of the country with a new step dad and one really annoying older step brother

"Look kids we're here" dad said "go pick out your room"

I don't mind sharing a room with my step brother because usually he was never home. Well now that we moved to a different area I'm probably going to get to know him a lot better.

"i like this room do you Link?"

"Yea I do, David  are you upset with moving all the way out here"

"Not really I'm going to join football when school starts up and be the new popular kid in school"

He is a typical teenage guy dates the pretty girls joins football then works out the rest of the year. It is two more days until school starts I am so nervous about going to school it is my tenth grade year and most people are already looking at collages. Thinking about everything  made me lose track of time i looked at my clock and the time was  1:30 am and i was too tired from moving and thinking i just lay down in my bed and go to sleep.


"Go the fuck away David"

"Its 10 in the morning and mom is going to take us to get school clothes today"   

"Fine i will get up" i got dressed  and got in the car the whole way there David was texting who knows who, but I was exited to go shopping because mom gave me and David  150$ to go spend on school clothes.

"I will pick you two up in 2 hours"

That was plenty of time to get every thing i needed, David ran off inside and i didn't care. When i went in the mall so many teenagers where there i wonder if any of these teens go to my school, they probably do go to my school. Not paying attention to whats going on i head on collided into another person when i looked at him he looked like a senior and was with a bunch people
surrounding him. mostly girls.

"I-I'm so sorry"

"It's okay really"

He looked at me like he had a crush on me is he gay?

"My name is Alex whats yours"

"M-my name is Link"

"Well i better be going then see you around"

I did not know what to do so when i was behind him and his friends i booked it out the door of the mall and my mom was waiting there for me with David in the front seat.

"Did you get every thing you needed"

"Yea mom"

"Okay then lets go"

I got in the car and we went home. when we got home mom had to stop at the store to get dinner so it was me and David my step dad had to work that night so he wouldn't be home until around 10 so i went to my room and when when i opened my door i found David masturbating

"Get the Fuck out"

"s-sorry" So i left my room and went down stairs and played on my phone until the car pulled in

"Moms home David" i yelled up the stairs David as quick as he can ran down the stairs and went to go help mom get the food out of the car. after we where done eating it was nine p.m. so i went upstairs and took a shower and thought how school would be tomorrow, is it going to be easy or is it going to be hard, after i was done drying myself off David had already when to sleep so i am trying to be as quite as possible. I set my alarm and laid in bed to dose off in a sleep

BEEP-BEEP -beep I hit my alarm clock first day of school great I got put some clothes on and got in the car with my brother and went to school. When we got to school my brother parked near the front of the school door, we walked inside together not talking, thinking or doing anything of the sorts when I entered the school I felt the feelings of guilt. Then out of nowhere a hand grabbed my shoulder I turned around and it was him. It was Alex the kid I met at the mall a couple days ago.
"Hey" Alex said
"Hey Alex, how are you"
"I'm good you look good today" he said with a smirk
"Thank you Alex" looking at him with a confused looks, now I know that he's gay
"Well Alex I have to go find my brother"
"Okay see you around oh wait here's my number text me sometime" said Alex I quickly turned away and rushed to my brother I didn't know what to say to him so I just leaned against the wall waiting for the bell to ring for the first class. I'm talking all honers classes so I guess I'm smart the rest of the day I don't remember but this morning with Alex and then I realized I was texting him.

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