Chapter One

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  ⏩[HIS CHRISTAMS ASSIGHNMENT by LISA CHILDS] He chased away the light and cast her in total darkness. But she instinctively knew when he reached for her. And she was ready.

He was ready for her. So when she grabbed his arm and tried to flip him over the back of the couch, he caught himself, so he didn't land on the couch. He landed on top of her. Her breathe whooshed out warmly caressing his throat. She wiggled beneath him, but her arm were pinned between their bodies. When she lifted her knee, he caught it with his thighs-before she did any damage.

"It's me," he said...⏪

  "Sissy!" I heard someone yell before I was tackled to the floor. "GUESS WHAT?!"

  "Ow," I groan looking at my overly excited sister. "What's up Gina?"


  "What," I chuckled marking the page of my book before turning to her. "Can you repeat that?" 

  "I'm engaged Nate asked me to marry him this morning, and it was so romantic." she gushed falling into the bean bag. "But we're going to wait until after college, on the weeding part."

  "That's great," I smiled turning around and picking up my chair.

  "Are you ok?" Gina asked, "You don't sound happy. I thought you liked Nate."

  "I'm fine, Gigi." I sigh, "I do like him, I'm just no feeling the greatest today."

  "Oh, then why are you working?" Gina asked, "Mama could have come and watched the store."

  "Speaking of Mama, do her and daddy know?" I asked putting books up on the shelf.

  "No, I'm heading there now," Gina said hugging me. "I just wanted my big sister to know first."

  "Well thank you," I smiled hugging her back. "I'll see you later."

  "K, bye." Gina yelled before running to her car.

  "I need a drink," I grumble grabbing my wallet and heading to the diner.

  "How's my adorable little bookworm today?" Sam asked as soon as I walked in.

  "I'm good, Sam." I smile sitting down at a table, "Can I have a cup of hot chocolate and a couple cookies."

  "What's wrong?" Sam asked sitting down after handing me my order, "You sound upset."

  "Gina and Nate are getting married," I sighed biting into a sugar cookie.

 "That's wonderful," Sam said. "Is that why your upset?"

  "No...Yes," I sighed. "I'm happy for her but it just..."

  "You wish that was you," Sam guesses.

  "Yeah," I sighed. "I just wish I could find someone who would like me. I want a relationship like Mama, Daddy and Mommy and Dad have.  Heck even Kyler has a girl, although its a different girl each night."

  "Honey these things take time," Sam said holding my hand.

  "I know, I'm just reading too many romance novels again." I laughed.

  "Give it time," Sam chuckles. "Besides you could always come stay with me."

  "I'll keep that in thought," I laughed standing up. "I should get back to work. Thanks for the talk."

  "Your welcome, sweetie." Sam says and slowly hobbles off to the kitchen.


  "CUPID'S GOT A SHOTGUN, BUT RIGHT NOW HE'S RUNNING FROM ME," I slammed my hand down on the alarm.

  Groaning I fell back and threw my pillow over my head, until something started buzzing. Glancing over at the clock I realized what the buzzing sound was. "Crap," I yelp face planting the floor. Running down the stairs I threw my hair up in a very messy bun and unlocked the door to the shop. "I'm sorry," I said quickly holding the door open. "I forgot you where coming today."

  "It's alright, Miss Daniella." he laughed putting the boxes down, "Your usually up hours before I get here. I think sleeping in is ok."

  "Josh," I groaned. "How many times do I have to tell you, its Dani."

 "Everyone calls you that," he laughs hugging me. "I want to be different."

  "Yeah, yeah." I grumbled hugging him back, "How's your family?"

  "Good," he smiles handing my the clipboard for me to sign. "Macy just had the baby a week and a half ago, a handsome boy."

  "Macy, that's Troy's wife, right?" I asked smiling, "Congrats Grandpa. What's his name?"

  "Yes," Josh said. "They named him after Macy dad."

  "Aw," I smiled. "That's great."

  "I should get back to work," Josh sighed and headed back to his truck. "See you next month."

  "Yep," I laughed hugging him. "Drive careful."

  "Good day milady," he said in a fake British tipping his imaginary hat and I laughed bowing. Turning back to the store I noticed a dark colored truck with tilted windows parked across the street and I had a feeling that someone was in it watching me.

  "Reading too many suspense book, Dani." I muttered to myself as I hurried back inside locking the door and running back to my apartment to get dressed.


"How Do You Spell 'LOVE'?" PIGLET.  

"You Don't Spell It, You Feel It." POOH.}

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