Chapter Ten

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   "I have an idea," Dani said jumping on my back.

  "What's your idea?" I chuckled.

 "There's a book fair going and I want to go," she said and I swung her around so she was on y lap. "But I don't want to drive."

  "Where exactly is this book fair?" I asked as I started to braid her hair.

  "Book World," Dani shrugged. "It doesn't really kick off until tomorrow but there are a few people that are notified before hand. So you wanna go?"

  "Sure," I laughed pushing her off into the floor. "Pack a over night bag. I need to stop and talk to a friend so we'll stay at a motel."

  "THANK YOU!" Dani yelled pecking my lips before running down the hall.

  "You might wanna grab a cart," Dani when we entered the warehouse.

  "Why there can't be that...Holy fuck," I stopped when we got to the main floor. "That's a lot of books."

  "Duh," Dani giggled before running off. "JOSH!!!"

  "Daniella," an older man yelled hugging Dani. "I figured you would show up."

  "Yes," Dani laughed hitting his shoulder. "I need something new to read. How's the baby?"

  "Good," the man said thing he noticed me. "Who's your friend?"

  "Oops, I forgot you were there." Dani chuckled nervously, "Josh this is my best friend Carter, Carter this is Josh. He brings the book shipments for the store."

  "Pleasure to meet you," I said shaking his hand.

  "I'm going to look around," Dani said walking off.

  "Princess," I said grabbing her wrist. "Don't go overboard, we're in a very small car."

  "Fine," Dani huffed running off.

  "We'll send the books that get picked out," Josh said. "Dani never talked about you before."

  "I just came back into her life a couple weeks ago," I said. "I hurt her pretty bad."

  "She's glowing," Josh said. "And not the normal glow she has when she comes to these things. Don't hurt her."

  "CARTER!" Dani yelled and I scanned the room to find her, "COME HERE. I NEED HELP!"

  "Quit yelling I'm right...I said not to go overboard," I groaned looking at the loaded up cart.

  "This is for the store my stuff is right here," Dani said holding up two big tote bags. "Push this, its heavy."

  "Fine," I huffed pushing the cart behind Dani.


  "I'm starving," I complained when we got back to the car.

  "How does pizza sound," Carter chuckled pulling out into the traffic. "I know a great pizzeria."

  "That sounds good," I said messing with the radio. "You still have this CD?"

  "Yeah," Carter mumbled. "I never could get rid of it."

  "Kyler took mine," I laughed turning it up. "I never got it back because someone decided to blow his truck up."

  "You can have this one if you want," Carter said.

 "No, its fine. I really don't listen to any of our burned CDs," I said and started singing along with the radio.

  "Robby," Carter yelled when we entered the small Pizza place.

  "Carter," a slightly older man laughed pulling Carter into a half hug. "And who is this pretty girl."

  "Dani," I smiled softly.

  "Wait...Your not the Dani," He said looking at Carter.

  "Robby," Carter growled.

  "Shut up," Robby laughed. "When I met this idiot all he talked about was you. I'm going to get your order before he rips me to shreds."

 "Idiot," Carter muttered pulling me to a table. "Sorry about that."

  "Its fine," I said looking around. "So you used to talk about me?"

  "Yes," Carter said. "Why woul..."

  "BITCH I'm gonna kill you," I jumped turning around only to see a very angry woman.

  "Uh oh," I whispered when she stopped in font of me.


"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional." Walt Disney}

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