Chapter Four

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🔺Gina[left] and Angel[right]


  "What is he doing here?" a blonde hair girl asked angrily.

  "Yeah," another brown hair girl asked. "He hurt Dani, so why is he back?"

  "Girls," Dani mom sighed. "Watch the store while I talk to Carter."

  "Yes, mama." they said and glared at me while I followed Dani's mom up the stairs.

  "Sit," Dani's mom said. 

  "Ms. Daniels," I started before she shot me a look and I sat down on the couch.

  "I'm going to warn you now," she said handing me a bottle of water. "The twins have probable already called Zane and when he gets here he will hurt you."

  "Figured," I muttered before getting up and walking over to a picture that was beside the TV. It was of Dani and me when she graduated eighth grade, three years before I left.

  "WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!" someone yelled from downstairs.

  "Incoming," Dani's mom said just as the door flew open.

  "Your dead," an older man growled before tackling me to the ground and punching me.

  "ZANE!" Dani's mom yelled just as he was pulled off of me.

  "Zane, sit down." a man with a badge said shoving Dani's dad onto the couch.

  "You alright, son?" another man asked as I got up.

  "Fine," I winced grabbing my ribs. "I deserved that beating."

  "Damn right you did," the girls from downstairs said walking over to sit by there father. "We closed shop, mama."

  "Thank you," Dani's mom said before handing me an ice pack. "Here, I saw you grab your ribs."

  "Thanks," I mumbled and she smiled at me.

 "Why are you back?" Dani's dad asked angrily, "Haven't you hurt Dani enough already?"

  "Yeah," the blonde girl said. "You never even wrote or called."

  "I did write," I said confused. "I wrote to her every month, she never wrote back."

  "She never got any letters, honey." Dani's mom said softly.

  "Fuck, she probably hates me," I growled spinning on my heel and punching the wall behind me.

  "If she hated you why would she have pictures of you guys all over the place?" Dani's mom asked.

  "She...Uh...I don't know," I grumbled.

  "She still cares about you,"

  "He's not going anywhere near her, Kylie." Dani's dad yelled, "He broke her last time he left, what happen when he leaves this time? It will kill her."

  "I would never intentionally hurt her," I growled. "She is my best friend and..."

  "And what?" the brown haired twin asked.

  "And the only girl I have ever loved," I mumbled.

  "I've got the perfect idea," Dani's mom said jumping up and clapping her hands. "But if you hurt her again, Zane won't be the only person that hurt you. Am I clear?"

  "Yes, ma'am." I said.

  "First we need to get Casey, Zach, Mara and Travis here."

  "Why?" the man with the badge asked.

  "Shush, Brandon." she said.


  "What's the emergency?" a small blonde haired woman yelled running into the shop. "What's wrong?"

  "We're going to help Dani get her fire back," Dani's mom said pointing to me.

  "He's the reason Dani lost her fire," the small woman growled glaring at me.  "He broke her." 

  "I didn't mean too." I said quietly.

  "Shut it." Dani's mom yelled and she told us her plan.

'I hope this works.' I think as I climb in my truck after everyone threatened to murder me if I screwed this up.



"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality" -Alice in Wonderland}

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