Wedding Crasher

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A.N: Hello my pretties! Here is Season 2 of Red Butler. I want to say thank you for sticking through so far! If anyone wants to draw fan fiction of either of these or like a manga do send me the pictures! I'd love to see them!

Crimson Butler

"As soon as we hit the water, let go. Understand what I am saying?" Grell asks. Ciel bolts upright in a cold sweat. Charles opens the curtains.
"I see you woke yourself up," he says. He walks over and serves the master tea. Ciel sips it.
"I see you found some earl grey," Ciel says a bit depressed. This was the day he'd marry Elizabeth. He sighs at the thought. He chugs back the tea and hands the cup to Charles- Tirgin. He requested to be called by his given name, Tigrin A. Sutcliff. He helps the master dress. He make sure to be slow so the master has more time to wallow in his own pity. He stands once he's done.
"Time to go," Tirgin says. Ciel nods and takes his cane and follow Tirgin out and to the carriage. Elizabeth was already getting ready. William has been missing all day. Jade was designated as Elizabeth's maid of honor. Ciel chose Jehoel as his best man. Tirgin helps Ciel puts his tie on and the rest of his suit. He looks up at the butler.
"Should I wear the eyepatch?" Ciel asks.
"Yes. Just incase. Most of the audience is reapers and demons but some unknowing humans are in there," Tirgin says. Ciel nods. Tigrin does Ciel's hair then puts his eyepatch on.
"Thank you Gre-" Ciel stops himself, "Tigrin," his shoulder sink.
"Sir?" The demon asks.
"I don't know if I can marry her," Ciel says.
"I can call it off-"
"No. Let me correct myself. I don't want to marry her but I know I have to marry her," Ciel looks at Tigrin, "for him. If I don't do my sworn duty and marry my betrothed, then what kind of lord would I be? If I were to not do it by marrying someone I love then that would be different, but the one I love- he's gone. I know this. And if I don't do this then what would his acrid ice have been for?" Ciel tears up. Tigrin nods. He understands the pain and the feeling of making Grell's sacrifice worth it. He stands and takes the black bow from his hair. He pulls a bright red one from his pocket and replaces the black one. He gives Ciel a small smile.
"Red looks good on you," Ciel chuckles.
"Thank you sir," Tigrin smiles. He offers his arm to Ciel who instinctively takes it. Tigrin leads Ciel to the alter. Standing there is a demon Ciel had never met before. His brown eyes shimmer as he looks at Charles. His light drown hair lay on his back in a black hair tie. Pinned on his lapel was a red rose. Ciel looks around at all the men, who all had red roses on their lapels. The man puts one on Charles. Undertaker is wearing an odd outfit, a blue jacket and unbelievably buckled boots. His hair is combed back. He walks up to Charles.
"Adrian," Charles says smiling. Ciel stare say him a moment. That guy was Undertaker?! He shakes his head a bit. Jehoel walks to Ciel.
"The wedding will begin in about half an hour. Need anything?" He asks.
"No thank you," Ciel replies. Jehoel hands Ciel a note.
"William said to give that to you. Apparently he had some work away to deal with," he says leaving. Ciel looks confused then looks at the note. He reads it out loud.
"Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unholy must be baptized in blood and fear," Ciel reads. He looks around confused. He then looks at the solo word at the bottom.
"Come," Ciel whispers it. He looks at the three men talking and then he looks at the arriving guests. It was almost time.

The organ starts to bellow the infamous song 'here comes the bride.' Everyone stands. Ciel sighs and watches the arch way as Tigrin leads Elizabeth out into the aisle. Undertaker sits in the front row a bit ticked about the wedding in general. He saw it unfitting that Ciel be forced to marry someone he doesn't love. Ciel looks at Ronald, Eric and Alan sitting in the front row on his side. Undertaker sat on Lizzy's side. Death stood behind Jehoel, followed by Jefferson and lastly Sebastian. Jade stood first in Lizzy's line followed buy two girls Ciel didn't know. But the last girl was Clara, Alois' girlfriend. Elizabeth and Tigrin reach the end of the line. He bows to her.
"I give this girl to wed," he says then goes to his seat next to Undertaker. Elizabeth goes up the three small steps and takes her place.
"Remove the veil," the priest says. Ciel tosses Lizzy's Ciel back to reveal her face.
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If there are any objections to this Union, speak now or forever hold those piece," the priest asks. A moment passed. He's about to move on when the double doors of the church are pushed open in an epic fashion only Aragorn could mimic. A black cloaked figure walks down the aisle. The clicking of heels catches Ciel's attention. Tigrin sighs and goes to stand when Undertaker puts a hand on his shoulder, wanting this wedding to end. He cared for Ciel. The figure comes to a stop a few steps away from the steps and remove Shia hood to reveal short Crimson hair.
"I think I have a few objections to this!" The figure grins, his sharp teeth brandished. Ciel's eyes widen.
"Grell!" He screams then runs and hugs the reaper. Grell chuckles and strokes Ciel's hair. Ciel feels tears going down his face but these weren't from sadness. These we from pure joy. He laughs and cries hugging Grell tightly around the neck. Grell hold him around the waist. Ciel pulls back after a minute. He looks up at his smiling reaper.
"Your hair is short," he chuckles.
"I come back from the dead and the first thing you say to me is 'your hair is short'?" Grell teases.
"Oh my god! Lizzy remember that plan we had. We could do it!" Jade giggles.
"Oh! Yes!" Elizabeth takes Ciel's hand and jade takes Grell's the two girls lead the boys up. Grell stands where Lizzie was. Jade and Ciel stand back to back, Jade facing Grell and Ciel Gavin Elizabeth. Elizabeth stood where Ciel was.
"What no 'welcome back to the land of the living' or anything?!" Grell pouts.
"Welcome back Senpai!" Ronald, Eric, Alan and Kevin say together.
"In mother Russian we don't say welcome back. We say Добро пожаловать обратно к земле живыхm," Anastasia yells from beside Kori.
"Marcus, you're not senior rank. You can't preside over this wedding. Jade is senior rank," Jehoel says.
"Right. Who does it then?"

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