Chapter 3

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It had been a week since he'd found her. He had made sure to follow her; he even learned that she liked to run, a lot. But Michael believed that it was not enough and somehow, Sebastian wound up in the car, being driven to school. school. He thought angrily in his head.

He didn't want to go to school. He saw it as nothing but a waste of time. He rather stay far from the girl, but Michael insisted he know more about her and what better way to do that than to attend the same school.

"It will be a life changing experience and who knows? You just might make friends with her." Michael said, eagerly wanting to break the silence in the car.

"What life? And I do not want to be friends." The word left a bad taste in Sebastian's mouth. "I don't want to be near her at all."

Michael chuckled lightly before pulling over in front of a huge building.

"Now you got your list of classes and supplies, along with your identification right?"

"Yeah, yeah." Sebastian grumbled. He got out of the car and Michael stopped him. "What?" He asked.

"Don't get yourself into trouble, you hear?" Michael said sternly. Sebastian smirked darkly.

"I'll try not to."

"I mean it kid. School's different from the real world." Michael said seriously. "Trust me, I've seen more than you have."

"Sure." Sebastian replied.

"Oh and have a good day!" Michael chuckled and drove away.

Sebastian shook his head and walked into the building. He could hear laughter and a constant buzz of people talking. Some girls, who were huddled together, took a glance at him and laughed.

This is high school. He thought to himself.

Colors of blue and gold were plastered about the hallways; apparently those were the schools colors. A group of jocks stood huddled by some lockers, snickering in their blue letter jackets. The clang of lockers being slammed closed could be heard everywhere.

Sebastian jumped in alert at the sound of a loud bell ringing. He glared at the mechanism in anger and reached into his pocket for his schedule.


Before Sebastian could make his way to class, he was shoved aside by the same group of jocks he saw earlier.

"Bastards." Sebastian muttered as they kept walking.

He didn't flinch when the second bell rung for the start of class. Sebastian entered the classroom and immediately took the seat farthest to the back. Not long after, the teacher came.

She quickly began writing on her chalkboard. The messy hand writing read Mrs. Marthel. The woman stared at her class and clasped her hands in excitement. She wore her unkempt brown hair in a bun and a pair of thick glasses hid her brown eyes. She wore a black dress pants and a red knit sweater.

"Ahem. Welcome to Senior English! My name is Mrs. Marthel and I will be your  English teacher. I know you are all excited for a new year!" She said enthusiastically.

The room grew quiet except for a few coughs and groans. A few students laughed as Mrs. Marthel fumbled clumsily through some papers on her desk, which was already disorganized. She scanned down her list of students and her smile widened. 

"I see we have new students here!" She said looking at Sebastian and a girl who was seated towards the front. "Please stand and tell us a little about yourself." She said kindly. 

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