Chapter 1

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Hello there, reader. My name is Lucifer. I also go by Satan, Diablo, Hades, or Teufel. I prefer Lucifer. You may have guessed by now but I'm the devil. Weird, right? I am as old as Earth itself yet I am stuck in the body of an 18 year old. Tragic. Technically, I'm Satan's son. But he ended up leaving so I took over the family business. I'm sure you're thinking "Uh, why am I reading a story with the freakin' devil as the main character?" Well, my dear friend, you are going to read this story because it's an amazing story. Because I wrote it.

So there are a bunch of different legends about the devil. The first is the Greek version. Dude, c'mon. There is no Zeus. And I sure as hell have never met a women named Persephone, let alone steal her and force her to hell with me. Psh, you silly humans. The other legend is that I was cast down from heaven because I lost the war between heaven and hell. Another bullshit story. I was assigned to my job. The big man upstairs asked for my help so I obliged. No biggie. But now, thanks to you humans, I'm considered a bad person. Just because I run the underworld! That's like getting mad at a police officer because he arrests you for doing something you're not supposed to. Whatever, I guess it comes with the job. Speaking of my job, I'll explain it to you in case you ever end up at hell's gates. Which I doubt you will.

My job, as leader of the underworld, is to punish all of the bad people that ever lived on earth. And I'm not talking "Oh, I lied to my mom about brushing my teeth one time" kind've thing. I'm talking cold-blooded murders, child molesters, or like Trump. Haha, I'm funny. Anyway, these people end up at the Gates of Hell (yeah, there's actually really big gates) and I promise you every single one poops their pants. They get inside and I pretty much force them into labor. I don't make them eat rust for a thousand years or anything like that. They just have to do work. They get fed meals and even get to sleep for 7 hours. And I don't like whip them if they don't do the work. They just catch on fire until they continue on with their duties. See? Not that bad!

So yeah, that's MY side of things. So now that you got the background, I'm sure you're wondering when the actual story comes along. Well...I'll get to that.


I jumped down from the balcony in my room onto the working floor. The floor was where all of the Souls did the work that was assigned to them. It had huge walls that were made of pure black stones and the ceiling had black, glittery stalactites hanging down. There were rows and rows of Souls doing their work at long, tables. I walked down the center aisle, looking over the work all of the Souls were doing.

"Hey, Fred!" I said to one of the Souls, as I patted his back. He cringed away from my touch. Well okay then, Mr. Crabby Pants. I nodded at some of the other workers and they too flinched away. Damn, these Souls really needed to lighten up. I continued down the aisle until I reached the far end of the floor. I opened the enormous doors and entered my office. Yeah, yeah, the devil has an office. It's nice too, for your information. There was a large desk in the center of the room with a rotating chair behind it. The walls in the office were bare except for one wall which was taken up entirely by a window. The window looked out on whatever I wanted it to. I want a beautiful view of France? A click of the button and I was staring at the Eiffel Tower.

I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop. Oh my god, you need to get over the fact that the devil's job is kind've awesome. I looked over the schedule I had today and then looked at the list of Souls that were to be entering the Underworld today. Business was slow. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I mumbled. The door opened to reveal my assistant, Veronica.

"Sir, your brother is here." Veronica said, a glum tone to her voice. My head snapped up. My brother?

"Uh, let him in." I told her, clearing my throat and sitting up straighter. She nodded and closed the door. I leaned back in my chair and ran my fingers through my hair. Why the hell was Michael here? You know in all of those demonic shows where the priest says a prayer and he's all like "St. Michael commands you to leave this body?" Yeah, well that Michael is my brother. He was also the leader of heaven. You thought God was the leader? Well, he is but he's busy helping you humans on earth so Michael is pretty much in charge up above and down below while God is at work. By the way, there is no such thing as "demonic possesion". Those people are just attention seekers.

The door opened to reveal Michael. He was wearing a long, white robe with accents of gold around the neck and the sleeves. His muscular arms looked menacing as he walked. He had golden hair and eyes that stood out against his pale skin. His jaw was strong and muscular with high cheekbones. He was pretty much the stereotypical angel and he loved playing on that stereotype *eyeroll*. One of these days, I want to mess with him and wear like super menacing clothes, with studs and crap. I do like my current wardrobe, which mainly consists of jeans, t-shirts, and chucks.

"Brother!" Michael exclaimed as he walked towards me, his arms stretched out as if he was expecting an applause. I stood up and walked around my desk. I leaned against my desk studying his face to try and see if he'd give away why he was here.

"Hello Michael," I replied crossing my arms, "what can I do for you?"

Michael smiled and shook his head. "Oh Brother, always so uptight. We're family! Can't family just drop in to say hello to his long lost brother?"

I sighed and looked at Michael. "Michael, I'm not long lost. I'm always down here, you know that, considering I'm not technically supposed to leave. And I'm uptight? I just want to know why my jackass of a brother decided to visit." Michael's smile dropped to a frown. His brow crinkled up and he ran his fingers through his long, golden locks. Golden boy ain't used to being called an asshole, I guess.

"You're still a dick, aren't you little brother?" Michael replied. I just looked at Michael, waiting for him to explain himself.

"Fine," he sighed, "I'll explain. But only if we sit down and talk like civilized men. Possibly over food?"

I snapped my fingers and large dining table appeared with heaps and heaps of food placed on it. Haha, yeah I can do that. We both sat down and my brother took at least one of everything off the table. I grabbed an apple and began to pick off the peeling of it. I looked at my brother, waiting for him to explain himself. He looked at me, swallowed whatever food he was chewing and sighed.

"I'm here because He sent me. We need to talk to you about something, something important." he said as he continued to eat. I nodded and waited for him to explain.

"There's a girl. And we don't know what to do with her. She's special. She's on Earth right now and she's absolutely incredible. She has powers and she can do...things. Things we've never seen before." I nodded once again, already bored with the conversation.

Michael slapped his hand against the table, startling me. "Damn it Lucifer, pay attention!"

I glared at my brother. Who does he think he is? Coming into MY domain, telling me what to do. Arrogance.

"As I was saying. This girl, she's of great importance to us." Michael said as he gave me a look.

"Why should I care about some human girl? And isn't this God's department?" I snapped, standing up.

Michael put his head in his hands. I barely heard him as he whispered: "Because, Lucifer, she's your soulmate."


Hello readers! Welcome to my story! Thanks so much for checking it out, this story has gone much further than I ever expected.

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