Chapter 19

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Dr. Leo checked the blood pressure of the new patient before scribbling the result down. "Never in my career have I seen such a transformation, especially going back to human form." He turned to Shahnaz. "And you say it's your blood?"

Shahnaz simply nodded. "I just don't understand it. How can it be possible?"

"And at such a speed," Dr. Leo added, lifting the eyelid to see a dark blue iris forming.

She sat at the side table, already seen to by a nurse who tended her wounds with bandages. Her arm throbbed, even if the bullet pierced the flesh and missed the humerus bone. Exhausted from the drive and her brain demanding sleep, her heart and her guts told her she had to do something productive.

She swayed slightly as she walked over to Junayd. Sitting in the chair beside him, she held his hand; sleep washing over his eyes. Bandaged and stitches here and there to cover most of his limbs.

"How long will he stay like this?"

"I can't say for sure," Dr Leo said sitting opposite her, noting the results of his heart monitor. "His body has gone through trauma. He's been sliced up and a few broken ribs. I'd say three to six weeks." He quickly glanced behind and then whispered, "What happened out there? You only went to Esma City, right?"

Inhaling, she told the doctor the events she endured: a sister who detested her, Ketchup's unfortunate death, captured by the Vega Army, finding the horrid truth about her special ability, the deal Junayd struck, talking to Isaac and the deathly combat resulting in his death.

"The soldier who helped us escape said 'send my regards to the Valley'. I didn't know they were spies in the Vega Army?"

"We are the army's biggest threat. We've managed to live in peace and all they do is create anarchy. Plus we have natural resources and their location is in that wasteland."

She leaned back. "Are there any other cities, towns around here?"

"Of course," he said. "But there all so far from one another. There's so much to explore, but only the brave venture out these days." He looked at her, pity rising to his aged face. "It must be hard for you. Losing so much and waking up in this world so different, unrecognisable."

Silence echoed the walls, except the faint monitor beeping.

Shahnaz scratched her chin. "Dr Leo, let's not pretend anymore. You now know what Morton is after and he won't stop. I might even put the Valley in danger."

"No, my dear the Valley will protect you."

"But for how long? I know there are people with good intentions, but there are also people with bad intentions. Once someone finds out what I can do then I'll be chopped up in no time."

He frowned but also knew her angle. "What would you like to do?"

She clasped her hands together. "If there's a way to make copies, replicate my blood and my lungs then everyone has the chance to live properly, never in fear." She pointed at the other patient. "My blood is bringing that creature back into a human. People would just shoot those things because they didn't want to deal with outcasts this new world created."

"I agree, but what you ask is difficult –"

"But possible, even hopeful."

"You can donate blood, abundant amounts, but replicating it and your lung DNA could take years."

She sunk back, defeated. "Is there anyone that can help?"

D. Leo removed his glasses, wiping the dust with his handkerchief. "I know such a man who can help, but –"

Orphaned Stars (original title Humanity)Where stories live. Discover now