My Reaction on "Run"

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GUYS SO MUCH HAPPENS IN THIS VIDEO! I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY! So this is gonna be some commentary mixed with some of my own theories. The original theory that Jin is still alive correlates with my beliefs, so this will be different to those other theories you see about Jin being dead. But I will do a chapter explaining that theory later.

The video begins with Taetae falling back into the water with the song "Butterfly" playing in the background, and omg the "Prologue" feels. It kinda represents how he jumps into the ocean.

Then there is Rapmon... who is still sucking on a lollipop (Gods, I wanna be that lollipop... I mean, what!!). Then he puts it into his coffee, because he wants sugar with his coffee... ahaha, get it GET IT!

Rapmon... really bro? You ain't gonna find a bin for that cup?

Everyone is having fun and partying... JIN IS STILL FILMING EVERYTHING! and V... is in the water.

Throughout the video, we see V just drowning or floating around under water, which ties back in with what he did at the end of the "Prologue" when he possibly drowned to death in the ocean to join his other dead friends. Also, he is wearing a nirvana shirt, which is very important. So important that I am going to make "Nirvana" its own chapter. (So go read that after).

The boys spray paint an "X" over Jin because he isn't in the afterlife with them.

Then V and Rapmon are running away from the cops, and now I'm just confused. This scene has to come before "I Need U"... before everything turned to shit and they all died.

V knocks over Jin's house of cards, and Jin's smiling expression suddenly turns very serious, he breaks the fourth wall and stares directly at the camera. Like he knows that the collapse of the cards represents the collapse of his friends' lives.

I'm pretty sure most of the scenes in this video come before "I Need U" because there is so much angst.

These pairings in the video is doing things to me... Vmon... Jihope... Sugakookie.... Jin + loneliness...

OMG J-Hope is in some kind of hospital... WHY IS HE THERE? AND OMG JIMIN LOOKS SO GOOD!! Wait... why is Jimin there? I'M SO CONFUSED!!!

All these feathers coming out of these pillows... it kinda looks like HEAVEN! *cough cough* afterlife.

AND OMG THE SUGAKOOKIE ANGST!!! This really looks like a lover's spat, like there is so much emotion in both of them. Kookie seems like he's trying to get Suga to understand something, to calm him down. It's obvious that something has occurred that has hurt Suga, and seeing Suga's pain hurts Kookie. He tries to snap Suga back to reality, but Suga won't listen to him, and that pains Kookie even more. Omg the bashup... I'm crying, just gimme a sec...

Ok, I'm back.

Then V is conscious underwater... so maybe he is alive afterall... umm excuse me, what.

There is a lot of mirrors in these videos... what do the mirrors meannnn? What does life mean?

Attack of another serious Jin face. Then an attack of a serious Kookie face.

After the camera zooms in on him, when it expands back out... everyone is gone!! He is by himself... and he stares at a mirror!! WHAT!! BTS CAN U JUST PLEASE MAKE AN ELABORATE VIDEO EXPLAINING ALL THIS, YOU ARE HURTING MY SOUL!!!

J-Hope falls back on his bed, his eyes closing... FORESHADOWING HOW HE COLLAPSES ON THE STREET IN "INU".

SCROLL UP AND PAUSE AT 3:34 or 3:35 on the video... whichever one gives the image of all the members lying down on the grass. 

Remember the pairings I mentioned earlier... LOOK AT SUGAKOOKIE! THEY ARE SEPARATE!! MY HEARTUEEE CANNOT TAKE THIS PAIN!! Everything is going wrong because they are not meant to be apart, this is disrupting everything. No wonder Kookie had to chase Suga in "Nevermind" (if you don't know what I'm talking about, read my "Nevermind" chapter), because he doesn't have him in his arms anymore!!

That Kookie and Jin eyeball interaction though... what is happening?

Ok, the part when they are in the tunnel. Jin stays in the car whilst everyone plays up and vandalises everything. Now this is part of the reason I think Jin is the only one still alive.

Sure all the cars beep and shit, but no one actually reacts to the boys jumping on their cars and vandalising them. Nobody gets out of the car and confronts them, because they are simply just beeping at Jin to move his goddamn car and get out of the way. Their lack of reactions to the other boys implies they can't see them because the other members are dead.

OMG I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING WHILST WRITING THIS CHAPTER!! What if Jin can see dead people, like he has this ability because he had a near death experience once when he drove his car into the ocean. So he is the only one who can see his friends, and nobody would believe him, so they sent him to the mental hospital for "hallucinations" but HE CAN ACTUALLY SEE THEM!! OMG!! I like this theory... I'm proud to have these thoughts at 1am in the morning.

Then Jimin is strutting very attractively towards the bathroom and opens it to find his friends making a huge mess, and his expression is priceless, its like "wtf guys, my mum is gonna kill me when she sees this mess... why am I friends with you guys, seriously".

Then they start drowning Jimin, which foreshadows how he dies in "INU".

More foreshadowing... Kookie's turn. Remember how he got run over by a car in "INU"? Yeah well, he turns to this car and stares at the camera and WINKS!! THAT EVIL LITTLE BEAUTIFUL SHIT WINKS AS IF HE KNOWS THAT ARMY IS GONNA BE TRYNA INTERPRET THIS SHIT FOR AN ETERNITY AND ITS LIKE A CONNECTION WINK LIKE *wink* "you guys know what happens after this.. you guys know this is how I'm gonna die... so I'm just gonna smile now to torture you all". Like I actually think that wink wasn't apart of the storyline, it was Jungkook giving a hint to the ARMYs as if we are supposed to know a little secret between him and us. WELL GUESS WHAT JUNGKOOK!! WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! WE DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU BOYS KILLED US... WE ARE ALL DEAD!! NOBODY IS ALIVE!! WHAT IS LIFE!!

*breaths* I'm calm.

I just noticed something... the boys behind Jungkook... there is no Jin... which means that Jungkook could possibly be staring at Jin and winking at him like he knows Jin is the only one who can see them.

And then Taehyung pops out of the water. NEVERMIND.... I AM NOT CALM!! WTF BTS!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???


Wait, the background is all black... so maybe he got out of the water to meet his death. He entered the water in the physical world, and now he is coming out on the other side in this empty black void because he is dead.

*roll credits*

Nice polaroid.... Nek minut... WHERE THE FUCK IS JIN? Maybe Jin is dead afterall... because polaroids can't see dead people. But if Jin was dead... then how do you explain the individual shots of V and Jin in "INU"? YOU CAN'T! And that is the main reason that stops me from believing that Jin is dead.

Then there is Jimin... always burning shit in the bathtubs... c'mon man, do you know how much polaroid film costs??

It's like he is burning away the existence and memories of the dead 6 members.

WHAT DOES "FOREVER" MEAN?? Guys keep this word in mind because I'm sure they are gonna do something with it.

On a different note, because "Prologue" means "introduction" or "foreword" it means it probably has to come before something. Now that really confuses me as the order of the videos seem messed up. Like parts of the videos come before other parts, and it's not the video as a whole that comes before or after the other videos.

Welp, that's my rendition on "Run"... I'm not even gonna get into the lyrics, cause I'm overwhelmed and tired. Bangtan... why you do dis to me?

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