"what the hell!"

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"Arghhhhh!!!", I screamed on top of my lungs as cold water hit my face and soaked my night wear making me shiver. I regained my composure and glared at the now smirking Ryder fucking black in front of me... How dare him?!! Interrupted my sleep and my weird dream! Oh the dream...
I shook my head to clear the image of the dream and launched myself at Ryder to attack him but he's too fast and in no time I'm the one below him. Hands pinned to the side and him straddling me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. We realized our positions and the air suddenly became thick around us. I stared at his sparkling blue eyes and mine brown ones bored into his.
To be honest I liked Ryder... Every girl liked Ryder but he never responds! I sometimes wonder if he's gay XD. But nah I know he likes me too.. I can see it in his eyes but why doesn't he say it? Why is he holding back!?
Like many a times before, as soon as he felt we are too touchy he makes the moment awkward and leaves... This time won't be any different... As expected he got up and mumbled ,"get ready and come down Ana, your mom made bacon and eggs for breakfast and I don't wanna be late for my college just because my neighbor slash best friend takes too long to get ready" and turned to leave.
As he was at the door he turned and smirked saying," I'm glad I can make you so wet this early in the morning " and winked. I was stunned and gawked at him as he chuckled at my expression. I screamed and threw a pillow at him but he was already downstairs. Damn he really is fast.
I showered and was wondering the same thing over and over again 'what the fuck is stopping him from saying what he feels!!?' He's frustrating...
I went to my closet and pulled out a black crop top with white jeans and a black jacket to match with. I checked myself in the mirror. Oh I'm the boss bitch yea! I then applied little mascara and gloss coz I don't like to pound my face with makeup.
Yea I think I look hot ;) why am I so pretty lol :p stop self praising ana!! I head downstairs and see my mom busy making more Bacon and Ryder sitting on the dining table eating breakfast. Yea he usually likes having my mommy special breakfast.
He looks up at me and winks again. I just shrug though I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Ariana you should wake up earlier on week days, poor Ryder gets late because of you",mom said looking at me disapprovingly. I sighed ," mom please... Just ana.. And yea I know and I'm sorry Ryder " My tone sarcastic.
He smiled a crooked smile and said ,"its fine Ariana I don't mind getting late when its because of you". I felt butterflies again but I glared at him. He knows I hate to be called Ariana its too old school. I said through gritted teeth," so sweet of you Ryder black now if you are done shall we leave for college? ". He smiled at that and nodded.
Let's get going. I swung my packpack on my shoulder and went for the door. Miami high here I come.....

**** hello my awesome readers!! Here's another chapter for you all! I am enjoying writing this book and I hope you guys are enjoying reading it too :) Ryder is so hot and Ariana likes him so why is he being a dick n acting like a stuck up jerk? Guess we'll find out soon. Keep reading keep voting and commenting! Thanks for reading n I'll update soon :) it's me ritwik saying adiós! *****

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