I'm dreaming...right?

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Ariana's P.O.V:::-

Ryder and I are on our way to school in his Audi R8 model. Yea he's filthy rich. Anyway we were bobbing our heads to the song locked away by Adam Levine ft R city. It was actually pretty good and Ryder was singing to it so sincerely that it felt as if he meant it. I shook my head to clear these stupid thoughts. We arrived at school and as soon as I stepped out of the car I was engulfed in a bear chokehold of none other than my girl bestie Lydia rogers. She's a blonde not the fake types. She's actually pretty cool ,bubbly and all and oh she secretly likes Ryder as the whole school knows but anyway I'm not jealous (sarcasm bitches! -_- ).
So we went to our usual lockers and she was gushing about how wonderful of a party I'd thrown on my last birthday but honestly it was all Ryder. He sets everything up for my special day since we were 12 that is the time we met. Oh my birthday is just two days away and I will officially be 18 woohooo XD
The day went by and it was so fucking boring. Then I had gym. Exhausted as ever after it I went to take a shower. After shower I was fresh and smelled nice ;) I picked up my backpack n slung it over my shoulder and left gym towards the parking lot... Gym being the last hour. Ryder was already there waiting for me. I shipped for my phone only to realize that its missing. Must have left it in changing room :\ . I went back it and searched for it and found it on the desk.
I looked myself once in the mirror and I was stunned at the sight in the mirror. A man with golden honey eyes and perfect features glaring at me was standing behind me. What on earth is a man doing in girl's changing room!?? Screw that who the hell is he anyway? And why is he here?!
And then I saw it... As he opened his mouth showing off his pointed glistening fangs closing the distance between us. I was too astounded to even move a single muscle in my body. He is way too close now. I can feel his chilling breath on the skin of my exposed neck. As his fangs were about to pierce my skin I saw him.
Ryder. Not in his usual style. Nowhere was the smirk to be seen now which used to be constantly plastered on his handsome face. Instead he was looking deadly. It looked like his pupils are dilated and spread all over his eye surface. His eyes are pitch black now. No blue or white in his eyes. Full black. He barred his teeth and I saw sharp carnivore like canines instead of normal human teeth.
My best friend... Ryder black.. He's fighting a vampire.. A friggin vampire!! He's not human either!! I've known him for 6 years and I had no idea that he was a supernatural creature. My head starts spinning and its difficult to keep track of what's going on. I felt darkness consuming me. I gave in coz it held the promise of taking away everything. It seemed welcoming now. And I collapsed... Everything turned dark....

**** woah! Third chapter completed! A vampire attack! Why did that happen?! Who is this vampire? So many questions too few of answers... Keep reading voting and commenting... Thanks for reading and will update soon :) ******

Regina's pic on the chapter ;)

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