Chapter One - Everything

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English, my last class of the day. Thank god too, I don't think I would have been able to last another class, hearing just about every student complaining about how much they hated school, homework, or about what some girls' boyfriend did with another girl. Scratch that, two girls.

Don't get me wrong, school isn't all rainbows and Nutella flavoured cakes for me either. Just like the others, I don't want to be there, I just don't flaunt that opinion.

I took my seat in the middle of the class, watching as students trudged their way through the door, groaning about the fact that they'd much rather be at the mall, or really, anywhere but here.

I rolled my eyes, and put my earbuds in, seeing that the teacher wasn't here yet, so I might as well drone out all the other unwanted noises.

I sighed in content, closing my eyes briefly, letting the beautiful sound of the band 'Snow Patrol' fill my ears, embracing the music as it flowed throughout my body. The lyrics of the song Run racing in my mind.

Suddenly, a burst of noise blocked out the melodic sound. I opened my eyes, letting them flick across the classroom to find the source of what made the noise. They stopped at the door, watching as my English teacher, Mr. Gordon had entered the room, his face holding the same tired, annoyed expression it held every day.

"We have a new student!" His voice boomed throughout the room, his eyes scanning over every single student, trying to find the so called 'newbie'.

Who even starts school so late in the year? I mean, there's practically two months until the end, they might as well have stayed at their old school.

"What's your name, son?" Mr. Gordon questioned, staring intimidatingly towards the new kid.

Mr. Gordon always tries to  'intimidate' new students, makes sure that they won't cause any problems in class, but once you get to know him, he's actually really kind, a great teacher too, even though others would disagree. They'd be able to see how good he is at teaching if they actually paid attention.

The new kid coughed, making me direct my attention towards him, becoming surprised at how attractive he was. Dark, chestnut brown hair, framing his face perfectly, from what I could tell from my seating position, he had emerald eyes that suited him well. He was wearing a red and black plaid shirt (typical) and black skinny jeans. He was cute without even trying.

"I'm Zack." He barely got out, his voice soft, yet deep, making me want to hear more of it. His eyes scanned the room, trying to take in everything around him. His eyes looked so kind, yet scared, as if he made any wrong moves and he'd be eaten like a lion panting on a gazelle.

That demeanour diminished quickly as he noticed most of the girls already drooling over him. I rolled my eyes and scoffed mentally at their attitude.

Yes, he was attractive, and yeah I wouldn't mind getting to know him, but I wouldn't outwardly show him how much of a skank I am like the rest of the girls, Jesus, have a little pride.

Already this is feeling like a typical teen romance novel, a mysterious guy moves into town, (who is of course attractive) and wins the hearts of all the girls in the school (well at least so far). But of course, I seem to be the only one not wanting to throw myself at him. Let's just see if he'll fall for me as I continue to ignore him, pretending he doesn't exist. According to all those books, all I have to do is make a sarcastic remark and he'll be like putty in my hands.

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