Chapter Five - Seems

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It was dark and gloomy out when Zack was walking home, the slight drizzle of rain slowly soaking through his clothes. God he wished he had brought an umbrella.

Zack shoved his hands into his pockets of his black skinny jeans, doing that thing that most males seem to do with their hands, having almost the full hand in the pocket, but leaving out the thumb.

Zack was making his way to the bus stop as he was coming home from his friend Austin's house. They were having fun, playing videos games, until Austin's boyfriend, Hunter had come over and that's when Austin started to practically ignore Zack as his boyfriend was basically dry humping him in the middle of the living room.

Since Austin was the one to drive the both of them to his house, Zack had no other choice but to take the bus home, seeing as both his parents were away for the week, and just about everyone else he knew didn't have a car of their own.

The rain started pouring even more, as if sensing Zack's annoyed state and wanting to make him even more pissed. Finally, he arrived at the bus stop, and came to the conclusion that he had absolutely no fucking clue as to when the bus would be coming, hell, he could be waiting an hour for the bus to get here.

So, with that thought, he took out his phone, a Samsung S5 (who cared about IPhones anyways?), and turned on his data, trying to figure out which bus he was taking.

His eyes scanned the page, reading off the bus number, the area it would be going and then he got to the wait time. The number read '15', signalling the bus wouldn't be here for another fifteen minutes.

"Dammit!" He groaned loudly, swearing silently to himself as he could feel his clothes sticking to his body at this point.

Once again, he really hoped he had brought an umbrella.

'So much for a clear night' Zack thought to himself, looking up at the caliginous sky, noticing just how dark it actually was. It could also be because of the fact that it was a little after one in the morning.


As Zack stood there, tapping his hands partially on his jeans to an unknown beat, he remembered that he had brought his headphones with him. He fished his phone out of his pocket, and almost immediately shoved the earbuds in, tapping on the 'shuffle' button.

The song 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance started to blare from his headphones, blocking out all other sounds, which really wasn't much, but it gave the eerie place a sense of comfort.

Fifteen minutes later, and he could see the headlights from the bus getting closer and closer. He took out an earbud so he'd be able to hear the bus driver better when it told him the fee.

Just then, there was a sound behind him, sending shivers done his spine. Or maybe it was just the fact that he was extremely cold. Either way, he was very aware that something may or may not be behind him.

The bus stopped, opened the doors slowly, and Zack climbed on, mumbling a small 'hello' before dropping his change down the slot, waiting for it to confirm it was enough.

He went to sit down, and just as the bus was about to go, another person jumped on, seeming to emit from the shadows.

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