Chapter Three - As

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~Two Weeks Later~

"Claire!" A loud voice boomed from down the hall, making plenty of people stop their conversations to turn and look to see who had made the ruckus.

Chloe suddenly popped up beside my locker a few seconds later and I jumped.

"God Chloe, you need to stop doing that!" I scolded, "or at least say that you're here instead of just popping up!"

Chloe just rolled her eyes, "Okay, thanks for the suggestion, but that's not what I came here for."

"Then what did you come here for?" I asked.

"You haven't heard?" Chloe faked gasped, putting a hand over her chest in fake shock.

"If I had, I wouldn't be asking you what you're over here for." I quipped back, smirking smugly to myself in satisfaction.

"Maybe all I wanted was to say hi. A girl can't say hello to her friend without having something incredible to say?" This time, she placed a hand over her chest in hurt.

"But you're right." Chloe stated, ignoring my little victory smirk as I raised a brow at her.

"I came over here to tell you that the fair's in town!" She squealed happily, a large smile taking up practically her entire face.

"You better go alert the media, the government, the president, oh god, what now?" I dramatically responded, putting the back of my hand to my forehead in mock terror, just as a damsel in distress would do.

"Oh shut up." She cracked a smile, "go ahead and make a big deal about how much you don't care, but we're going no matter what."

"We?" I quizzed, remembering in the few seconds she has bestowed this information on me, had I not said I was going.

"Yes, 'we', I'm forcing you to come with me. You need to get out more, and besides, the fair is fun! You get to win prizes and go on fun rides." I groaned loudly at this. I don't need to do anything, I'm perfectly fine with just sharing my life experiences with my Netflix, but will she ever understand this, probably not.

"Fine, but you're buying me cotton candy." I bribed, a small pout adorning my face.

"Whatever it takes, babe." Chloe slung her arm around my shoulders. I smirked.

"Well, if that's the case, babe," I drawled out, "then I also want you to watch Supernatural with me, from the beginning!" Even though I knew Chloe would disagree to this, stating that she just meant the cotton candy, or that 'this isn't part of the deal, you can't change your mind', I kind of got a little excited, hoping that she would finally agree and she can share my love. But of course, they'd all still be mine.

Chloe chortled at this, "Only in your wildest dreams." She winked, doing the weird Taylor Swift breath thing that she does in the song 'Wildest Dreams', hence the pun she made.

"If you're going to make song puns, at least do it with good songs." I scoffed.

"Oh please," she groaned, "you love Tswizzle and you know it. The first step is admitting it." Chloe said, matter of fact.

"Me, saying that I love Taylor Swift, ha!" I faked laughed, "that's definitely only in your wildest dreams."

"All I'm saying is that if I ever get two tickets to go see her in concert, I was going to bring you, but with that negative attitude, you can forget it."

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