Chapter Two - Isn't

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It was the middle of the week, Wednesday, and I couldn't wait for this day to be over, much like every other day, but today especially.

I had plans for tonight, to others, they weren't the greatest, but to me, they were perfect. As soon as I got home, I'd climb into bed and watch Supernatural for the rest of the night, no interruptions besides food and bathroom breaks.


Right now, the bell had just rung, signalling it was lunch time, the best 75 minutes of the day. Everyone was scrambling through the halls, racing to their lockers to out things away, grab some money, or just to meet their friends. I wasn't one of those people, I just really didn't want to be in the crowd of hungry, horny teenagers.

I made it to my locker in one piece, shoving everything in there, releasing my arms from the weight, sighing in content. Finally.

"Hi Clairy!" A chipper voice scared me out of dazed state, causing me to jump back, startled.

"Jesus Chloe, you scared me!" I scolded, holding the skin around my heart as it was beating profusely.

"Sorry." She shrugged, her tone showing just how sorry she wasn't.

"Hey, did you do the math homework?" She asked, taking a second to look up from her phone. I gave her a really look.

"When do I not do my homework?" I quizzed, scoffing lightly.

"Well sorry I thought maybe you'd just want to have fun for a night." Chloe bit back, shaking her head at me. "All that work is going to get to your head."

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to go to a good University, and get a good job, and have a good life with kids that I don't need to worry about, or if I'll even get to pay bills that month, or buy food." I rambled on.

"Claire!" Chloe yelled over the noise of me and the students in the hall.

I blinked, coming back to reality, my cheeks heating up as I realized what had happened.

"Claire, you could miss the rest of the semester and you'd still be at the top of every class!" Chloe explained to me slowly, looking me directly in my eyes, trying to get through to me.

"Calm down, woman!" Now, she was shaking me profusely.

What a great friend.

"I'm calm, I'm calm." I stated softly, backing away as slowly as I could incase I triggered the madness even more.

"Good." Chloe smiled a lopsided goofy kind of smile, "Because now we need to talk about something important, Zack Miller."

I rolled my eyes.

"Is he cute or what?" She practically drooled.

"Yeah, he's pretty cute." I shrugged, grabbing the mac and cheese I had previously made.

"I heard from Stacy, who heard from Mark, who heard it from Justin that Taylor Swift wrote a song about him."

This was just getting ridiculous.

"I thinks that's stretching the truth a little too far." I chuckled, shaking my head slightly.

"I'd write a song about him." Chloe smirked to herself, biting her lip.

"That song would get reported so fast." I snorted.

"Have you seen the music that's being made now, I think I could get by."

"Are you seriously considering about writing a song about him? You barely know him, how are you going to write a song?"

"True," Chloe pondered for a moment, "I could write about how he is, maybe make make a poem and turn that into a song."

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