Chapter 1

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The field was silent as I waited to step off my platform. The only thing I could heard was the voice of the man counting down the seconds, when we would run into our deaths. I looked around. A small girl, about 12, stood a few platforms away from me to my left, and a vicious looking guy to the other side.

I desperately looked for Peeta, who was a few down from boy on my right.

I watched the cornucopia, and a shining bow and quiver or arrows caught my eye. I turned back towards Peeta, and he shook his head no, like he knew I was going for the bow.

I'm fast enough, I can get to it.

"5...4...3...2...1..." a shot went off, and everyone began to run, this way and that. I sprinted towards the bow, but a blonde haired girl grabbed it before I could, and smirked. I watched horrifically as she shot an arrow into a young kids heart. He couldn't have been older than fourteen years old. I averted my eyes from the scene, and they landed on a black backpack.

I grabbed the pack next to the weapon, and was able to shield my face just into time, as a knife flew in my direction. I lowered it, to see a girl running towards me, and a knife lodged in the backpack.

Scrambling to my feet, I dodged another knife, and ran for my life in the direction of the woods.

I don't turn around until I am in complete silence, other than the chirp of mockingjays in the trees. I am far enough away where the screams of agony can no long be heard, but the canons go off around the arena.

As I began to slow my pace, I hear another Canon go off. Eleven. That's how many are dead. Another shot is fired. Now twelve. One of them could be Peeta.

I refuse to allow myself to think that. Peeta is smart enough to get through the first day. Baywatch and Effie must be celebrating. It had been a while since even one tribute is district 12 had made it through the bloodbath.

I stop for a moment, allowing myself to catch my breath. I take the break to rummage around in my pack. I got lucky. A sleeping bag, a canteen, a bag of trail mix, night vision glasses, rope, and the knife the District 2 girl had thrown at me.

A twig snapped, and my head shot up. Shoving everything back into the bag, and jumped to my feet and began to run.

I turned back one second, and collided into another tribute. I grabbed for the knife, but the girl began to scramble away. Her orange hair gleaned in the sunlight between the trees. I had recognized her from training. The girl I nicknamed Foxface, who was from District 5.

Panting, I lowered to knife, and continued on. It felt like forever, but I finally reached a small steam. Careful not to make a noise, I grabbed the canteen and filled it up.

The icy water ran through my fingers, and it felt like I was back home in the woods with Gale.

I sighed, and stood back up. The chances of me going back to Gale and Prim, were very slim.

I forged on, careful not to step on twigs and sticks.

Night began to fall, and I looked for a place to stay. The careers would surely kill me if I decided to sleep on the ground. I glanced at my surroundings, before locking my eyes on a tree. Not inside the tree, in the tree.

My hands gripped the sides of the tree, as I pulled myself up. Looking back, I probably could have used the rope to climb up. I shook my thoughts, so the only thing I was focused on was getting up the tree.

By the time I had finally hauled myself up, my hands were scratched and bloody. Taking some of my water, I washed down my cut hands. I used my jacket sleeves to stop the bleeding, though they weren't deep enough to do any damage.

I sat awake for a moment, as the anthem played. I watched as pictures lit up the sky. The last face to be shown was a girl from District 10. I let out the breath I hadn't known I was holding, out, and relief had filled my body. Not because I had survived, but because Peeta had survived too.

Not surprisingly, all the career tributes made it.

There were twelve of us left. I slumped against the trunk of the tree. I needed to make it home to Prim and my Mom. To Gale. I wonder how he's holding up.

My eyelids slowly began to fall, and I let darkness take over.

First chapter!! In honor of Mockingjay Part 2, that came out a few months/weeks ago. This is my version of the first book. Just giving a spoiler, or warning. The ending of this book could be really sad.

Sorry this is such a short chapter, but it's really boring. The exciting things happen after the bloodbath. I could have gone more gore-y, but I figure if katniss was smart, she'd get away from there as fast as possible.

So, please give feedback, this is sorta my first book that I've written here, so I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!!!!

My goal is to get 10 votes and three comments!!! :)


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