Chapter 2

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As dawn rose, I began to pack my things. If the careers were smart, they would have gone out during the night, giving me now the chance to find a better hiding spot.

I scanned the woods, to make sure I was alone, before dashing away.

It wasn't before long before I had made it to another lake, in which I took advantage of. I filled my canteen and ate some of my trail mix. I stared for a moment at the water. It reflected the morning light, but as I looked deeper, I could see how far down the water went. I made a mental Note not to fall into that water.

As I turned around, I slammed right into another figure.

I grabbed for my knife before even taking a second glance, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Katniss!" Peeta's voice whisper yelled.

"Peeta!" I yelled. " you scared me half to death, I thought you were a career!"

"Sorry, sorry," he muttered.

"What are you doing," I asked, putting the knife back in the side pocket of my bag.

"I've been looking for you," he replied. "I thought maybe we could team up. You know, like allies."

"Peeta, as much as I'd like an ally, I can't do that. Not to you."

"Why not?"

"Because if we were the last two standing, I wouldn't be able to kill you, okay?"

He looked taken aback. "If it did come to that-"


"I'm just saying-"

"Shut up! I think I heard something!" I hissed. He quieted down immediately. Nothing came.

"I'm positi-"

"Katniss!" Peeta shouted, "behind you!"

I had just enough time to whip out my knife and stick it in whatever had come up behind me, before I heard the girl gasp in agony and a canon go off.

My leg started to get wobbly, as realization hit me. I had killed her. I killed that girl. I looked down, just to grab the bow and quiver of arrows she had, recognizing her to be the girl from district 1.

Just as I had steadied my breathing, I heard grunting behind me. Peeta and the boy from district 1 were having a fist fight on the shore of the lake.

The notched an arrow and aimed it for the boy from district 1, before realizing, they had made their way onto the jagged rocks, which led straight into the deepest area of the lake. If I didn't get the shot perfect, Peeta would go under for sure.

I saw something gleam in the sun, before realizing that it was a knife. Marvel, I think was his name, was armed.

"Peeta! Watch out!"

He was able to stop the blade from making contact with his face, before marvel turned around.

He glared straight at me, with a death stare. "You killed her!" He screamed angrily. "And now, I'm gonna kill you!"

He began walk down the rocks, but not fast enough for Peeta to tackled off the jetty and into the lake.

I ran down to the water, as the two resurfaced. I got my arrow ready, but they disappeared again.

My heart races and I scanned the surface. A canon fired, and immediately a pang of fear filled up inside me.

"Peeta?" I screamed. "Peeta?"

Two bodies appeared at the surface, and I desperately ran in. It was marvel. Peeta had killed him.

I grabbed Peeta's limp body by the jacket and pulled him out of the cold water.

Once I got him to dry land, I froze. I didn't know what to do. This had never happened. Panic began to fill my head, but I remembered something my mother ha told me. I had to give him mouth to mouth.

I pushed down the fear and panic, and bent down over him. Nothing happened. I pressed down on his chest, but nothing happened. I tried again, but this time, Peeta began to cough and spit out water.

"I thought you were dead!" I said.

"So much for not being allies," Peeta remarked, sitting up. Then he grimaced, and his face contorted in pain.

I pulled away his hand from his abdomen, and it came back slick with blood.

All done!!!! Hope you enjoyed it took an hour to write just this. It's soooo short!!!!

I just published a teen wolf fan fiction called Chaos Rising, so if you could check that out it would mean much!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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