One - Day One.

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I groaned as I was shaken awake by my crazy room mate, Lucas. I opened my eyes to see Lucas literally on top of me and with his hands on my shoulders, shaking me still.

"What, Lucas?" I groaned and shrugged his hands off of me. He laughed and got off of me and I sat up, only for Lucas to hand me a cup of coffee. Lucas sighed as he read the time on my wall clock.

"You have an hour to get ready and then, I'm driving you to your interview at Styles. Inc, okay, Missy?" Lucas told me and I nodded as he left the room, leaving my bedroom door wide open.

I quickly drank my coffee before heading into my en suite to shower before getting ready. I decided to wear a black pencil skirt with a white button up shirt and a black blazer paired with black heels. My hair, I did in curls before applying light make up.

I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed into the kitchen where Lucas threw me an apple before downing the rest of his coffee.

"Let's go, Howard!" Lucas said before grabbing his keys and folder full of his latest designs. Lucas is a designer for Burbury and designs a lot of their men's outfits. "You're going to do amazingly, Em. Don't worry." Lucas said as he pulled out of our driveway.

That's easy for him to say. He doesn't have his career at stake like I do. I only finished Uni four months ago, whereas Lucas has been at his job for six years and is building towards a promotion. The nearer we got towards the building, the more my palms started to sweat and my heart started to beat twenty times per second.

"Here we are! Knock them dead, gorgeous." Lucas said as he pulled up outside of Styles. Inc. I thanked him as I got out of the car, only for him to wave goodbye and drive off.

I pushed away my nerves and entered the building through the large double doors. I walked up to reception where a blonde female was sitting, smacking gum around in her mouth while typing away on her computer. I cleared my throat and she looked up, clearly annoyed by my presence.

"Hi, I'm here for my interview with Mr Styles. I'm Emily Howard." I said with a smile and the women sighed before reaching over her desk for a visitors pass before handing it to me.

"Take the elevator to the top floor and wait in the waiting room." Was all she said before returning to her computer. I quickly slipped on the pass and made my way over to the elevator, which was just opening.

A guy with blonde hair wearing a crisp navy blue suit stepped in after me.

"Which floor, Miss?" He asked and I noticed a rather strong Irish accent.

"Top, please." I said and away we went. The elevator stopped on the top floor and both me and the guy stepped out. I walked over to a lady by a desk and she looked up and sent me a smile. Finally, someone nice!

"Welcome to Styles. Inc. May I help you?" She asked politely and I smiled and nodded.

"I have an appointment with Mr Styles. My name is Emily Howard." I said and the lady nodded before quickly picking up her phone. A very deep voice boomed through the speakers as soon as the phone was answered.

"What, Angela!?" The girl cleared her throat before speaking, obviously scared.

"Sir, your interviewee is here. Should I send her in?" The lady asked, clearly uncomfortable.

"Send her in!" The voice boomed before the line went dead. The lady turned back to me with a forced smile on her face.

"Mr Styles will see you now." She said and I nodded and thanked her before walking over to the office doors, knocking before walking in.

A young man sat by a desk in a black suit and a white button up shirt. He had tattoos on his chest, which he obviously tried to conceal. He had brown shoulder length hair and was quite tanned from what I could see.

"Are you going to stand there all day? Sit!" He boomed and I quickly rushed to one of the two seats in front of his desk. That was when he looked up. His eyes are green and he has dimples, he's absolutely breathtaking.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr Styles." I said, finally remembering my manners. He smirked at me before standing up, removing his suit jacket as he did.

"Call me Harry, gorgeous." He said and I frowned. Harry? Gorgeous? Mr Styles walked around his desk and come to stand in front of my chair. "Age?" He asked and I gathered my thoughts before answering him.

"Twenty one." I said and his smirk grew. His eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke to me.

"Still so young. Tell me, why do you want to work for me?" Mr Styles asked and I answered without thinking, my mind not in a single spot.

"You're a smart and successful man. Who better to learn from and work for?" I asked rhetorically and Harry nodded smugly, obviously pleased with my answer.

"Alright, Miss Howard, I'm going to put you on a trail run today. I have one important meeting lined up in an hour. I want you with me and to give your incite when appropriate. Everything goes okay with this meeting, the job is yours." Harry said, sending me a wink before retrieving to his desk. I nodded my head.

"Thank you, Mr Styles. May I be excused to prepare for the meeting?" I asked him and he nodded slowly and I stood and began to walk out of the office.

"Miss Howard! You will address me as Harry or Sir, okay?!" He questioned and and I quickly nodded before leaving the office and shutting the door behind me.

"So, in conclusion, I think that the business should be signed over to Mr Styles or be pushed into bankruptcy. If Mr Styles has control of the company, you'll come out looking good." I finished and the man nodded before sliding the paper over to himself and signing it, causing Harry to grin.

I stood up along with Harry as he shook the man's hand. I quickly followed Mr Styles out of the room and around to the elevator where he turned to me.

"The job is yours. You'll get the second best salary in the company. Be in my office for eight 'o' clock tomorrow morning. I take coffee black and a cream cheese bagel. Goodbye, Miss Howard." Mr Styles said before getting into the elevator and disappearing out of sight.

This is the first chapter of my new book! I hope you all like it and enjoy it! Please read, vote and comment!

- Emma x x x


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