Seven - Cold.

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I jumped out of the bed as soon as I heard my alarm clock go off. I put on a pair of light black tights; a cream coloured blouse; a black blazer; a pair of cream heels and a black coat because it was cold out today.

I quickly did my make up and hair before heading downstairs to where Lucas and Liz were sitting on the kitchen table, eating breakfast.

"Good morning!" I chirped, happily before grabbing a breakfast bar and my brown paper bag that Luke had prepared for me. "Bye!" I chirped again before beginning to leave. I'm so happy today that I could walk to work.

"Wait, Em!" Lucas exclaimed and I frowned and turned to him. He had a set of car keys in his hands and a smirk on he's face. "Mr Styles came by early this morning and dropped off a brand new car for you. He also said to forget his breakfast this morning." Lucas told me and I gasped in shock.

Harry bought me a car? He actually bought me a car? I can't believe that he just threw away thousands of pounds on me. The girl that isn't worth a dime is holding a set of car keys with a B.M.W symbol on them.

I thanked Luke, then, made my way outside to where a beautiful B.M.W was sitting. It was convertible and was black and pink.

It was beautiful!

He must care about me enough to buy me my first car. I squealed as I jumped into my new car. I'll just say it's the compliments of the company.

I got to Styles. Inc and handed my baby over to the valet, who didn't look at all surprised that I was rolling around in the newest and most expensive B.M.W there is. He just simply sent me a smile.

"You will be parked next to Mr Styles, Miss Howard." He said and I nodded with a shocked expression on my face since Mr Styles never allows anyone's car an inch from his. I thanked the valet and made my way into the building and headed upstairs.

I came face to face with a beautiful women as I stepped out of the elevator. She had brownish/black hair, green eyes and was dressed head to toe in designer. I recognise her! She is Harry's Mother!

She got into the elevator and disappeared from sight. I composed myself, then, made my way into Harry's office, knocking first. I walked in and spotted Harry by his window, running his fingers through his hair quickly and frustratingly.

"What was your Mother doing here?" I asked and he turned, sharply, in my direction. That was when I saw the tears streaming down his face. I quickly rushed over to him and pulled him into my arms, his tears soaking through my blouse, but, I didn't care. "What happened?" I asked him as he pulled away from my embrace.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door and Harry quickly turned away, facing the window again as he quickly wiped away his tears.

"NOT NOW!" I shouted in frustration and whoever it was, scoffed and walked away. I turned my full attention back to Harry, who had dried up. "What happened?" I asked again and he walked over to his desk and sat down.

"My Mother doesn't approve of my life style of sleeping around. She doesn't want anything to do with me until I have changed. She has even turned my own Sister against me." Harry said, slamming his fist against his desk. I made my way over to the desk and sat down on the same chair that I did when I came for my interview.

I don't understand. For the little space of time I've known Harry, he has been nothing, but, a gentlemen. Except for the two occasions where he tried hitting on me. I reached over and took his hand in mine. He looked up at me and I gave him a smile.

"We'll prove her wrong." I said and somehow, I had the feeling that he believed me.

"Here are your messages. Mr Horan wanted to arrange a meeting with you for tomorrow, regarding the other company that you want to take over. Angela has asked me to inform you that she won't be in tomorrow." I told Harry and he nodded, picking up his phone before dialling a number. I had a feeling that I was still needed, so, I made my way over to the window.

The view was one that I loved. You could see Big Ben and the London Eye from the office. I smiled as I looked out of the window. I felt a presence behind me and Harry's voice in my ear.

"Beautiful." He said and I nodded, agreeing with him. The view is amazing.

"It is." I said, looking out of the window. Harry's finger came up and began to stroke my cheek softly.

"I meant you, but, the view is as well, I suppose." He said and I breathing hitched and my cheeks must had reddened as well.

I was turned around slowly and Harry's face remained inches from mine. I found myself leaning in once again and Harry smiled as my lips met his. His lips were soft and plump and tasted like strawberries and peppermint.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled into the kiss and he bit my bottom lip slightly and I gasped. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. The kiss itself was just magical as we explored each other's mouths.

The kiss was cut short when a knock sounded on the door. At least it was cut short and not cut off before it had even happened. Harry made his way over to his desk, wiping my lipstick from his lips before clearing his throat.

"Come in!" He exclaimed and the door opened to reveal Niall. He smirked when he saw me. I mumbled a "hello" before quickly leaving the room, only making it to the door when my name was called. "Shut the door behind you." Harry said in his usual, cold and unappealing demeanor.

I sighed and closed the door, heading into my office to try and make myself busy.

What the hell just happened!?!

They finally kissed!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, guys! Thank you all for reading! Please read, vote and comment!

- Emma x x x


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